Author Topic: wow plasticware,wow  (Read 3459 times)

but he banned you for -1 minutes

 that means that you can go back in time and rejoin his server right??//?



There are dramas posted just about every day...
NO EDIT: stuff. Misread the post. Sorry

If you're not annoying/obnoxious/an starfish you won't get banned.

If he was out of the mini-game, he was probably building something or just wanted to play instruments/hang out without being interrupted by being thrown or killed.

It sounds like you were trying to be annoying by repeatedly committing Self Delete.

This never happened
you missed read the post, he was throwing me randomly and i was just keep killing myself.

you missed read the post, he was throwing me randomly and i was just keep killing myself.
Well do you even have proof?

the pirate forgetaround server is a "no" rules server with free killing, unlimited throwing, and various "annoying" features; but that's what the whole server is about

don't join it if you want a smooth sailing experience, savvy?

This never happened
If you check the ban list and find a ban for my id, 21542, with the reason "forget off" for forever, then yes it did happen.

If you check the ban list and find a ban for my id, 21542, with the reason "forget off" for forever, then yes it did happen.

From memory, there are two people I banned in close succession with the reason "forget off". I don't have access to the banlist right now but here are the reasons why I banned you two:

The first one was being quite annoying (carrying/throwing people away) when we were just trying to play music. So, we went to building on an island far away, which they then started repeatedly shooting at with a cannon turret.

The second one (who had teamed up with the first) almost immediately afterward went over to that same building with a bomb and blew everyone who was jamming with me up.

Either way, it wasn't for you "losing" someone's keytar (whatever that means), it was for you genuinely being an starfish.

Stop lying.

i dont understand why you ban people who kill you but dont enforce any other rules when people are just RDMing others

just because you're an admin you get to ban people who kill you?

i dont understand why you ban people who kill you but dont enforce any other rules when people are just RDMing others

just because you're an admin you get to ban people who kill you?
Holy stuff are you seriously saying that ADMIN shouldn't be able to ban whoever they please? Get the forget out

Holy stuff are you seriously saying that ADMIN shouldn't be able to ban whoever they please? Get the forget out
holy forget who stuff in your ass

im saying hes only banning people who target him, instead of dealing with the many others that do this to regular players

unless what you're saying is satire

i dont understand why you ban people who kill you but dont enforce any other rules when people are just RDMing others

just because you're an admin you get to ban people who kill you?

Killing people is allowed to a point.

If you go on a 20-kill spree that's not okay. If you're harassing/repeatedly killing someone that's not okay. If you're being a richard to people trying to play music that's not okay. If you're spawnkilling/spawnthrowing that's not okay.

It's not really a "no rules" server. Basically, it's a "do what you want, as long as you're not being an starfish" server.

Stop lying.
I'll admit, it was bad decision of me at the end of what I'm about to say. When I had said I lost his keytar, I put it in the simplest possible. I should not have done that and I apologize for that.
Anyhow, here is my honest recollection of events from the moment the first banned happened to the next ban.

After firing cannons onto Whore Island, where your band was playing, GMO Ferret (?) only got a ban of 60 minutes. Seeing that happen, I stopped trying to pursue in killing you all. I entered the house and went upstairs to listen to the music you all were playing. I got excited after I heard tetris play the theme to Giligan's Island. I pulled out my guitar and played I Want Money. After I did that, you and everyone else turned to me and started playing while looking at me. Being nervous that that was the only song I had saved, I left the building.

When I left, one of your friends came to me talking about how he dropped his keytar and that I had it. I don't remember his name, but you might remember him because he was the one wearing the crown and red cape. The following was my fault. I said that I wouldn't return his keytar, so he picked me up and stuck me in walls and various places. I told him that if he killed me he would lose his keytar. Being fed up from being stuck in walls, I pulled out a fire bomb and threw it at him. Both of us weren't killed on impact, but died from burning to death.

I take responsibility for having not returned the keytar and throwing that bomb. The only part that I don't think was fair was my ban time. GMO was repeatedly throwing your friends and shooting you with cannons and got an hour. The only thing I did was throw a bomb and kill one person. My ban was permenant. My only complaint to you was that the ban times were not fair.

That is all that I remember from the incident.