Author Topic: Blocklanders and their current/future careers  (Read 6055 times)

i know zay has gone on to join the game design scene too and plastiware's working on something of his own but i dont know how retail theyre going to get

mcjob, also, but thats more plain-to-see

Environmental Engineering/Hydrology, 2 more semesters of hell and I'll be making that $$$.

Right now I'm an Engineering Technician at a local race shop.

I currently plan on getting into Mechanical Engineering because I like that stuff. I'm still not sure if any type of game design meets my interest, but I could do that stuff on the side as a hobby.
cool, another mechanical engineer.

I plan on being an American History teacher.

I'm basically a college dropout with a large variety of unfocused CS knowledge. I'm sure most of you know me for my programming, but I've been extremely critical about my programming skills and don't actually want to move into programming as a job because I don't think I have the skills. My main focus has been to get a career in IT and Systems administration, but at this point I'm ready to take any job remotely related to CS. Retail is so stupid.

Dam we have a lot of engineers and programmers here, that must of been really hard to learn

Dam we have a lot of engineers and programmers here, that must of been really hard to learn
It's absolutely brutal. I didn't think it could get worse than Calc IV, then I got into the actual Engineering related courses after I transferred and it was just rape. Will all be worth it in the end though.

I especially want to hear from some of the more active scripters in this community (...Headcrab Zombie....)
Wow I think that's the first time I've seen myself included in one if these lists. Usually it's left to people who make add-ons that are more "visible" (like weapon picks or vehicles)

I graduated college the end of last September with a bachelor's in IT, and got a .NET development position shortly after. Most of our stuff is web applications, but I've also taken over our couple of windows applications, I handle most of the API integrations to other software services, those projects run as windows services on one of our servers, and I've done a decent amount of work on an application that runs on those windows CE scanners you see employees at a lot of retail stores using

I recently enrolled in the DSTU (Don State Technical University) as the translator, planning to learn more languages, like Chinese, Japanese and possibly German.
Initially I planned to get into the Computer Science faculty but for some reason it required a physics exam which I failed badly at in the lyceum.

I feel that my primary job will be a translator, but I also want to really get into game making.

and I've done a decent amount of work on an application that runs on those windows CE scanners you see employees at a lot of retail stores using
You've done development for the Telzon? What did you make for them? :o

You've done development for the Telzon? What did you make for them? :o
It runs on any brand scanner running Windows CE.
It's an inventory management application tho

CS in college right now
known I was going to be a programmer since ~7th grade, due to BL
counter strike???????????

It's absolutely brutal. I didn't think it could get worse than Calc IV, then I got into the actual Engineering related courses after I transferred and it was just rape. Will all be worth it in the end though.
What actual engineering courses are you in right now?

What actual engineering courses are you in right now?
Hydraulic Systems Design and Fluid Mechanics I

I'd love to graduate high school/college with a fancy degree, and move on to designing Computer Software. It has always intrigued me, but has always been out of reach. Fun to dream, though!