Author Topic: The Security Guardening of John Doe [Best Korea sucks]  (Read 1286 times)

You don't quite know who you are or what you do.

Hopefully you'll find out, or soon get a clue.

Wait, you think you've got it.

Name: John Doe
Job: Security Guard
Currently at: Best Korea's nuclear bomb storage
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 06:55:18 PM by The Murderous Cop »

Name: Doninick Dominant
Job: BDSM dude

richard Rock
Underestimated Man with no employment

Filthy Frank
Anime Hunter

Now you remember. Your name is John Doe. You're a Security Guard. Damn good at your job, too.

Wait, where the forget are you working right now? You're in a security guard uniform with a flashlight in...some place. Not sure where.

you're guarding best north korea's nuclear "missiles"