
UNITED NATIONS: Force the removal of nuclear weapons within German (east and west) territory.

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Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: East vs West - THE VERY BEST KOREA! [1971]  (Read 90601 times)

vulcan bombers drop large payload high conventional explosive******** on east berlin

TU-22s take off From East German to strike known NATO airfields.
F-5 Tiger II's intercept and shoot down 2 TU-22s.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 04:28:59 PM by BWOB »

Switzerland detonates all but one tunnel leading into other nations and destroys all but one bridge, which connects to France. All land highways entering Switzerland are land mine-active, protected by snipers and armed infantry of the Swiss National Guard. 40 interior sections of highways are converted into airstrips.

Switzerland begins to accept Swiss citizens back into the country, and only allowing foreigners out. This is dealt with force, if necessary. If unable to move out of the country, Switzerland will detain and deport when they are able to move out.
All Swiss dual, triple, etc. citizens residing in Switzerland are too renounce one/two/etc. of its citizenships, preferably the non-Swiss one, per unanimous Federal Council Executive Order 367. No need to renounce citizenship of those who are neutral+non-blue/non-red nations. In this, only one-citizenship Swiss citizens are allowed in.

Healthy refugees will not be allowed in.

Switzerland asks to be left alone in this conflict, repeating its nature of armed neutrality. Switzerland will act as a peaceful negotiator due to it being the holding nation of the UNHQ.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 05:12:56 PM by Swat 3 »

i don't know about you but vehicles need fuel and switzerland doesn't exactly have oil reserves. you're alright on food though.

South Korea isolates itself ideologically. It also employs tank patrols near the DMZ for fear of China backing a DPRK led invasion. The Maritime border is put on high alert.

South Korea researches howitzers

i don't know about you but vehicles need fuel and switzerland doesn't exactly have oil reserves. you're alright on food though.
We've been saving up oil and gasoline for a while now, for the same reason we've converted highways into airstrip-able roadways and placing bombs in our tunnels.

Switzerland detonates all but one tunnel leading into other nations and destroys all but one bridge, which connects to France. All land highways entering Switzerland are land mine-active, protected by snipers and armed infantry of the Swiss National Guard.


you didn't need to do this right away


you didn't need to do this right away

Nukes are flying everywhere and I don't want to be invaded/a part of it/having to take in refugees.

do you know how easy it would be for the west or east to blow up your one highway and one tunnel for amusement and watch you slowly die

do you honestly think that you can enforce your neutrality? serious question

Nukes are flying everywhere and I don't want to be invaded/a part of it/having to take in refugees.

you're not going to be invaded - you didn't need to jump the gun like that

if you wanted to keep refugees out you could've just blocked off the tunnels with heavy barricades and kept your trade routes open to the rest of Europe once everything settled


somebody please I need that 'when you're nice to that one bullied kid' variant of national socialist germany and switzerland

South Korea military forces present on  the DMZ are instructed to shoot anyone who is trying to cross into the South, including potential refugees.

research howitzer
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 06:52:07 PM by bigcapitalbaka »

do you honestly think that you can enforce your neutrality? serious question

you're not going to be invaded - you didn't need to jump the gun like that

if you wanted to keep refugees out you could've just blocked off the tunnels with heavy barricades and kept your trade routes open to the rest of Europe once everything settled

The Swiss are very paranoid people and they mean it when they wanna be left alone.

We can easily prepare new routes and repair the bridges if needs be.
We still have sections of highways open, but they still have mines, which can be removed since we know where the mines are, lol.

why are the swiss paranoid people when they sell their services to the pope

no one has any real reason to attack switzerland anyway
unless you hate swat that much