
UNITED NATIONS: Force the removal of nuclear weapons within German (east and west) territory.

6 (37.5%)
7 (43.8%)
3 (18.8%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: East vs West - THE VERY BEST KOREA! [1971]  (Read 90425 times)

un vote: let korea invade all asia

Belgium purchases equipment from America.

britain releases uganda

britain sails ships and submarines into the Arctic ocean

britain researches mounted guns and counter espionage
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 06:31:23 PM by Maxwell. »

Belgium's issue standard rifle becomes the M-16A1 after purchasing it from The United States.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 12:56:02 AM by BWOB »

With the introduction of the domino theory, the United States intervenes in Vietnam, supporting the South.
They begin drafting soldiers and warn Brazil to stay out of Southeast Asia.
The United States pushes its influence on South America, upholding the Monroe Doctrine as one of great value to them.

China's major offensive is put aside for a moment when rebels rise up against the communist government in Tibet. Xinjiangese rebels also join their brothers to fight against the communist party.

The Balkan Federation begins talks with Greece to help fix the Macedonian Question. They hope that Macedonia's native population may once again be under their own control.

A military coup in Burma brings socialist dictator Ne Win to power.

Cuba closes its borders and trade routes off from the United States and Canada to keep them away from their Soviet missile bases.

Many Catholic people in Northern Ireland begin asserting that they be reunited with Ireland. They believe that the division of their people is an injustice that could very easily be righted.

Brazil moves it's troops in NV back to Brazil at the threat of US force.

In a possible retaliation move, Brazil's troops and equipment begin to mass at the border of Suriname.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 11:07:17 PM by Deoxys And One Noob »

Operation Wandering Soul is put to use in Vietnam.

Soviet authorizes expitionary fleet to help protect congo and brazil comrades.

Fleet consists of 2 Kynda class missiles cruisers, 4 Kanin-class destroyer, 8 Riga-Class Frigates.

USSR conducts military exercises in GDR, warsaw pact invited to take part.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 02:09:21 PM by Harm94 »

britain stations fighter jets and SAMs in west germany

the nations of the warsaw pact join the war games

the united states sends more troops to west germany and vietnam.

with the publication of "the feminine mystique," second-wave feminism begins. attention is brought to reproductive rights as well as domestic violence.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2015, 02:32:01 PM by Nonnel »

i can't multi task two rps at once, so i'm leaving.. sorry ;c

this is ridiculous
i guess we're finished
you won't get to see all my good plausible alternate history

either that or everyone moves to more relevant countries
c'mon guys i thought this was going pretty smooth before everyone decided they didn't like where they were at and up and left