
UNITED NATIONS: Force the removal of nuclear weapons within German (east and west) territory.

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Author Topic: Nonnel's Nation RP: East vs West - THE VERY BEST KOREA! [1971]  (Read 90427 times)

Stop quitting everyone jesus stick with it

South Korea condemns the actions of Brazil

Yak-28s fly along East German border conduction reconnaissance.

Tu-123's are launched above west german airspace to conduct reconnaissance

Belgium sends out F-5 Tiger II to patrol the South Western part of Belgium with the rising tensions between NATO and Brazil.

Belgium sends out F-5 Tiger II to patrol the South Western part of Belgium with the rising tensions between NATO and Brazil.

you need carriers

west germany goes on high alert. they move a tank to the border gate.

you need carriers

tigers aren't built for carrier operations

and he's only patrolling his own country, there's no need for a carrier at all

you need carriers
Uh do some research on the aircraft and the geography of Belgium.

Uh do some research on the aircraft and the geography of Belgium.

I don't know, maybe he thinks that Belgium needs a flying carrier.

I don't know, maybe he thinks that Belgium needs a flying carrier.
Im dying lol

britain flies hawker hunters to buzz around the recon planes on the west german border

Lester Pearson announces through radio and television that there is officially a state of war between Canada and Brazil.
"The rapid expansionism of Brazil reminds us of the German expansion not thirty years ago. We will not take another chance. Brazil has ties with nations that execute their citizens who think and speak freely. Who's not to say they will not spread further towards our nations and enforce those same restrictions? A state of war shall exist between Canada and Brazil, not because it is wanted, but because it is needed."

Canadian naval units converge on the coast of Parimaribo, Suriname.
The invasion will occur midnight of arrival.

The polymer FG-42, redesignated the FG-556, is issued to officers in the Canadian military.

Britain sends ships and submarines to assist Canada

brazil war

Spain declares war against Brazil as well, speaking out against Brazilian imperialism. Trinidad performs a speech in Madrid

"Before I was placed in office, the objectives of Brazil ringed against my ears. They are imperialists, they kill others in attempts to gain power. This 'proletariat' in Brazil is the quite warmonger, but we can all fix that. We follow Canada and Britain to finish the conflict and seal the fate of the safety of South America, and our former imperial territories. We've all wanted to secure a future for Hispanic children, adults, elders. We cannot ensure that promise with the communist Brazil around, and we have to enter this state of war to reforge that promise."

Spain begins sending naval units to the coast of Sao Luis.

Belgium is staying out currently because the lack of naval units but will intervene when possible.