
What countries weapons do you want to see the most?

15 (27.3%)
35 (63.6%)
5 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Author Topic: == WW3 Pack [MORE DELAYS HOLD ON forget] == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff  (Read 43768 times)

path got permabanned I think you guys forgot

he's also phantOS on forums

path was just his alt which got banned

he's also phantOS on forums

path was just his alt which got banned
phantOS got banned and now he's Perry

these weapon packs people pump out that try super hard to be "blocko" styled are disgusting
drop the project before it gets too much attention

these weapon packs people pump out that try super hard to be "blocko" styled are disgusting
drop the project before it gets too much attention


its been dead for the better part of a year now

these weapon packs people pump out that try super hard to be "blocko" styled are disgusting
drop the project before it gets too much attention
people like you are disgusting
it's a nice style that fits well with the game what's so bad about that
plus i mean this is one of the more detailed blocky ones

To be honest when the style is done over and over and over and over.. it really becomes stale af

That and Path's style is more of the exaggerated blocky instead of normal so it doesn't help

They're good models don't get me wrong, just the extreme low-poly style 24-7 is just stale and overdone at this point

yea i get what you mean but to be fair there aren't very many ways to do it and the main alternative (those heavily detailed realistic looking ones) just look odd imo
personally though i can't get enough of these

tbh I think back when the mix of blocky and detailed weps were around, they were much better to look at (aka weps like those l4d2 guns with the animated hands and reloading and such)