
What countries weapons do you want to see the most?

15 (27.3%)
35 (63.6%)
5 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Author Topic: == WW3 Pack [MORE DELAYS HOLD ON forget] == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff  (Read 43773 times)

i just spent like 3 hours porting the shotgun over to blockland and as soon as i was finished doing that i discovered that it has the same exact shading issue of the pistol
trying not to kill the universe right now

edit: when i was searching for help topics i guess my eyes skipped over this bit of information
Q:   My model lighting is all screwed up! The colors are dark at random parts, there are weird shadows, and some parts are glowing! The world is ending!
A:   This is caused by scaling your mesh in object mode. But worry not! It can be easily fixed so there is no need to avoid scaling in object mode.
Select all of your objects and press Ctrl + A then select Scale and you're done.
If you are still experiencing these problems it means your model has inverted normals.
the model now works and i am the happiest cactus alive
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 08:25:01 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

I thought you were a sock

Path's basement exploded and flooded with stuff, so the official alpha for feature and glitch testing will be released probably sometime next week. Please keep your pants on, or don't, it's your house.
Couldn't have said it better. Excuse me while I get back to shoveling raw sewage out of my basement.

Oh also, if you or anyone else want to be our special FX expert (basically making the bullets/muzzleflashes/explosions look more fabulous); do let us know.

Here's some in-game progress:

I don't know, the grips look odd, too slim maybe. i don't know.

Other than that it looks great.

I don't know, the grips look odd, too slim maybe. i don't know.

Other than that it looks great.
That's perspective warp. They actually fit perfectly into the hand, I think

Update: Still getting some models exported properly. I can estimate maybe a month or two before the alpha is ready for download

Would be really neat if we had someone to build something fancy for us to test these in; if only there was a good builder interested in this project enough to want to do it...  Hmmmmm

Would be really neat if we had someone to build something fancy for us to test these in; if only there was a good builder interested in this project enough to want to do it...  Hmmmmm

rykuta left a sticky fly trap in here knowing I was trotting this thread