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Total Members Voted: 27

Author Topic: what happened while i was gone????? v1  (Read 1264 times)

Same People, Same stuff, Different Day
Nothing big really happened while you were gone, but welcome back.

We have a new neusense with gonarrhea

Well, there's Clubst- er, Clubbybot, but I bet he won't be around much longer the way he's acting.

other than that,
Same People, Same stuff, Different Day

More autism, and I'm pretty sure badspot has given up

W happened while you were gone?

A lot of things. Iban came back. "Aot??????" got locked. Badspot moved to Japan and got married. The game has changed quite minimally. You know how it is.

Same People, Same stuff, Different Day
you did miss goodcreature freaking out, though

She's kind of ehh though, but then again she is a fruitcake so what evs