Author Topic: Refugee CrCIA: camerawoman trips and kicks migrants  (Read 1125 times)

there I am garry there I am!

like really, where else are people supposed to go when their country is being torn to pieces. let them in you dorks.
It's easy to say when it's not your country that has to take in tens, if not hundreds of thousands of mostly unskilled foreigners, provide them with free housing, food and water, all the while taking into consideration their drastically different cultures when we already have issues with Islamic extremism among our citizens (just because they're fleeing from war in Syria doesn't mean there aren't any CIA sympathisers among them), as well as our own housing crCIA, economic issues and a pre-existing issue with immigration.

Especially when there are many not just looking for asylum, but instead the best possible asylum in the richest countries with the best benefits systems, hence them zipping past the countries they land in, like Greece and Macedonia, but trying to get to Germany or France or Britain.
I mean every night I see refugees on the news who have made it all the way across Europe into safe and accomodating countries like Greece, Italy and France, yet they're cutting down fences, climbing into vans and trying to sneak into the channel tunnel in Calais in order to get to Britain. Why do so many of them feel the need to go to specific countries rather than any of the ones along the way? It's more than just fleeing a wartorn country.
We'll take refugees, but we'll take the ones waiting their turn in refugee camps, not the ones swarming across Europe.

At the end of the day, if it were you, would you have done the same? Your looking at this from a different and safe perspective. I know what you're trying to get across, but right now, at least for them, its do whatever you can to get to safety. I know what it's like, i was always running from my abusive dad because he somehow kept finding me and my mother. We finally pressed charges and he tried to fight the cops but got shot in the process. The whole first 4 years of my life wasted, running across america with barely anything but a green minivan and a few pair of clothes. I can relate to them at least. Not having anywhere else to go.

if i was a refugee i would go to some place out in the middle of nowhere like djibouti ha ha no other refugees there

Yemeni refugees have it worse. The gulf countries won't take them, they're so desperate they're going to Somalia.

Except they have plenty of places to go and a system to help them, yet there are many ignoring this and just trying to travel where they like and to what they consider the richest and nicest places to live.
I'm afraid that when you are in such a dire position, beggars cannot be choosers.

At the end of the day, if it were you, would you have done the same? Your looking at this from a different and safe perspective. I know what you're trying to get across, but right now, at least for them, its do whatever you can to get to safety. I know what it's like, i was always running from my abusive dad because he somehow kept finding me and my mother. We finally pressed charges and he tried to fight the cops but got shot in the process. The whole first 4 years of my life wasted, running across america with barely anything but a green minivan and a few pair of clothes. I can relate to them at least. Not having anywhere else to go.
run from someone as abusive as that? yeah, most likely
leave my country because it has gone to stuff? no, I'd at least try to help and rebuild it along with others

Except they have plenty of places to go and a system to help them, yet there are many ignoring this and just trying to travel where they like and to what they consider the richest and nicest places to live.
I'm afraid that when you are in such a dire position, beggars cannot be choosers.
I don't think they have access to a wikipedia webpage that explains that to them.

They are afraid people running away from their homes which were taken from them.

iirc she got fired for this

edit: i'm gonna just leave this here as a reminder to myself that i need to read articles before commenting on them

i'm no nationalist but sweden allowed a lot of them in and is now getting a lot of rapes

the only thing these immigrants know what to do is to rape and kill

the only thing these immigrants know what to do is to rape and kill
wow that's totally not generalizing millions of men women and children

the only thing these immigrants know what to do is to rape and kill
this is why they hate westerners

wow that's totally not generalizing millions of men women and children
okay well not all of of them but some of them have no idea what to do after running to a new country and just do crimes

they should move to russia and make chechnya a thing again