Author Topic: Get eye pitch angle on the client  (Read 614 times)

Is there any reliable way to do this anymore? You can get yaw just fine, but the only source of pitch seems to be the muzzle vector. This is affected by many things, including the slot 0 model's muzzlePoint, model animations in slot 0 and player animations, which makes it useless for knowing what way your camera is pointing.

I need this in order to sway around a HUD as you aim. Technically this means that I only need pitch delta, which I can get from just watching pitch (well, and $mvYaw*Speed for keyboard turning), but this will keep going and going even if your player has already stopped at the minLookAngle and maxLookAngle. This could sort of be remedied if you also check for being near limits with the muzzle vector pitch, but all in all that'd be a very unreliable way of doing it.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 10:08:28 AM by portify »

EDIT: Oh, getEyeVector doesn't work clientside, sorry.

Muzzle vector of a different slot? 1-3 look the same as the eye vector, probably 'except for Free Look'.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2015, 04:01:54 AM by Space Guy »