Author Topic: MoltenKitten - stuffposting / Derailing  (Read 14457 times)

Makes sense.

Also pyro got kicked out? Wow, that's interesting, but then again, I knew he's been a bit of a powder keg recently due to personal issues.
dude he was kicked out within the first 3 months of the call being up, and the drama was made over a year ago

we added him back in may or so

Also pyro got kicked out? Wow, that's interesting, but then again, I knew he's been a bit of a powder keg recently due to personal issues.
if this is an attempt at patronizing me its the most pathetic attempt ive seen to date

if this is an attempt at patronizing me its the most pathetic attempt ive seen to date

if this is an attempt at patronizing me its the most pathetic attempt ive seen to date
Afiak you seemed pretty insecure and all considering how you were to projecting your problems onto flatflyer lol.

if this is an attempt at patronizing me its the most pathetic attempt ive seen to date

Calm your tits Rb, I heard about your personal issues and I was wondering if the water finally overboiled from the pot yet.

Calm your tits Rb, I heard about your personal issues and I was wondering if the water finally overboiled from the pot yet.
what personal issues

what personal issues

I'm going to keep it private to give him at least a shred of respect, I respect people's genuine personal problems.

what personal issues
lol forget off, all you try to do wherever you go is start stuff

dude really
lol you really do think im a bad guy dont you

i really don't like rb2k but if he's the way he is because of personal issues than i would accept my own anger at him as stupid and forgive him; i tried to do the same thing with nal when i thought he had anger problems in that one thread where he kicked everyone out of the skype group; unfortunatly for me it was all a ruse and it just made me look stupid; but i still try.

and i bet you thought that i just wanted something to hold over rb's head


there was a skype group with forum regulars in it and someone made the mistake of saying they were in a skype call so now it's a circlejerk because reasons
is it still up?

lol you really do think im a bad guy dont you

i really don't like rb2k but if he's the way he is because of personal issues than i would accept my own anger at him as stupid and forgive him; i tried to do the same thing with nal when i thought he had anger problems in that one thread where he kicked everyone out of the skype group; unfortunatly for me it was all a ruse and it just made me look stupid; but i still try.

and i bet you thought that i just wanted something to hold over rb's head


Just don't intrude on people's personal issues, it usually pisses people off...

Just don't intrude on people's personal issues, it usually pisses people off...
im not the one who brought them up but, yea, i probably should have been more careful in the way i worded my reply

the only thing i really to say at this point is that i find it annoying that people try to imagine me breathing heavily and typing really fast or assume i use flatflyer as an outlet for my "anger issues", i used to be friends with the guy but woop-de-doo now obviously dont like him

also, kochie, apologies for coming after you all of the sudden, i assumed you were trying to make yourself look superior when it was just you being concerned

lol you really do think im a bad guy dont you

i just think you're equally dumb as you are irrelevant