Author Topic: 14 year-old makes home-made clock, arrested for 'bringing a bomb to school'  (Read 26412 times)

I think it's time to block setgaming's posts now.

What I'm saying is that for a kid so smart, he should've known not to bring a clock to school during a racially insensitive point in time.

I'm saying it's his fault that he didn't think through the fact that it could've been mistaken as a bomb.

yeah how could the kid not have known? im always self conscious about what i have on me in public in case it gets mistaken for a bomb

yeah how could the kid not have known? im always self conscious about what i have on me in public in case it gets mistaken for a bomb

It's a black box, with red segment displays, like shown on bombs in movies, that he took to school, and it beeps. If I took that to school, I would be arrested on the spot.

It's a black box, with red segment displays


the clock made a very nice watch

weirdly enough, none of those clocks were anything like his
And his clock wasn't anything like a bomb. Your point?

Do you still believe he should've gotten awarded, however?
What I think is irrelevant because all the gifts he received were from private businesses. They can give gifts to whoever they want, for whatever reason they choose.

Do you believe he should've gotten this much attention? I'm white, and I can easily make a clock myself and stuff it in a black project box
Yes, because what happened is symptomatic of the fact that the United States has this overwhelming fear and bias against Muslims and Arabs because of the actions of a small minority.

He's receiving attention because he's a child who was treated like a terrorist because of his race. He didn't receive attention because he invented some kind of brilliant, innovative clock that nobody liked. The fact you're making this about you instead of the larger issue seems to imply jealousy. I'd suggest growing up.

The point we're trying to make, with him not being a genius, however, is that he has no merit to "show off his accomplishments" to any teacher, as he showed all of his teachers. If he actually made the clock, and he's taking engineering classes, he has a legitimate reason for showing his clock to teachers, whether as a project or a definite accomplishment.
Ah okay, so it's okay to racially profile someone unless they make an even better clock.

We don't care how smart he is, we care about the fact, that with the clock being made not of his hand, and in a suspicious looking box
Tell me more about how a suitcase holds bombs better than, say, a cardboard box.



I don't think you're getting the point.

He's in a school setting, he's Muslim, he has a suspicious looking electronic device, where many Muslims lately have been suspected for illegal acts. How am I wrong, here? I'm not saying it's right to generallize, and it was wrong of the school to do so, but you can avoid so much by thinking the situation through.

Do I bring a knife to school and just say: "it's for cutting my sandwich", then go to the news because I'm being descriminated against? No.

Do you still believe he should've gotten awarded, however? Do you believe he should've gotten this much attention?
why not? he is a symbol of islamophobic tension in today's society
I'm white, and I can easily make a clock myself and stuff it in a black project box
as seventh said, this has nothing to do with hoe easy it is to make this clock
- I'm quite certain that I would get arrested, as well, at my school. What I'm saying is that for a kid so smart, he should've known not to bring a clock to school during a racially insensitive point in time.
victim blaming. he shouldn't be held responsible for the school's overreaction
The point we're trying to make, with him not being a genius, however, is that he has no merit to "show off his accomplishments" to any teacher, as he showed all of his teachers.
um, no. he showed his engineering teacher (BECAUSE IT WAS FOR HIS ENGINEERING CLASS) and then it beeped in his bag during english and he had to take it out. he didn't show it to other teachers afaik
If he actually made the clock, and he's taking engineering classes, he has a legitimate reason for showing his clock to teachers, whether as a project or a definite accomplishment.

We don't care how smart he is, we care about the fact, that with the clock being made not of his hand, and in a suspicious looking box, it's likely he was garnering for attention.
holy forget. do you realize the stars had to align here for this to make national news? this was not a "plan". it was a loving assignment for engineering, he didnt just make a clock out of the blue. he didnt attempt to flaunt the clock, it beeped in his bag. part of the reason this story went so big was because of how the school and the cops forgeted up when they handled the threat (school didnt evac, the teacher just put the 'bomb' in her desk, it was like an bour before the cops showed up after the 'bomb' was confiscated, cops didnt let him see a lawyer or his parents) so if this was a "plan" he was riding on the school AND the cops loving up how they did it
I don't care about his race, I barely care about the time he did it himself. What I'm saying is that the kid had many chances to think it through and stop himself, but he kept going and got arrested, likely as how he planned.
he brought a loving clock to school
Should I go to school tomorrow with something that ticks, is in a black box with portruding segment displays, and when I pull it out, I whisper "Allahu Akbar" and show it to each one of my teachers,
bre he didnt show it to his english teacher you donger, it beeped in his bag so he was made to take it out
then when I get arrested, I should say "oh no, it's just a clock"? I'm white, most honor students are white, isn't that racial descrimination?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 09:25:38 PM by ultimamax »

He's in a school setting, he's Muslim, he has a suspicious looking electronic device, where many Muslims lately have been suspected for illegal acts.
This is literally the definition of racial profiling. Why don't we pull over more black drivers, seeing as how black people commit more crimes?

Do I bring a knife to school and just say: "it's for cutting my sandwich", then go to the news because I'm being descriminated against? No.

But the only thing you would do with a clock is tell time. You can actually hurt people with a knife.

But the only thing you would do with a clock is tell time. You can actually hurt people with a knife.
What you wrote originally was much funnier.

And his clock wasn't anything like a bomb. Your point?

Wasn't on the inside, but it can look like it. People are paranoid.

What I think is irrelevant because all the gifts he received were from private businesses. They can give gifts to whoever they want, for whatever reason they choose.

I can agree with this.

Yes, because what happened is symptomatic of the fact that the United States has this overwhelming fear and bias against Muslims and Arabs because of the actions of a small minority.

Yes, but that's where I think the kid should've thought it through if he didn't want to be arrested. While it is a very tribal standard set up by American society, and I wish it wasn't there, there's more to it than just baseless conjecture and thought.

He's receiving attention because he's a child who was treated like a terrorist because of his race. He didn't receive attention because he invented some kind of brilliant, innovative clock that nobody liked.

Then why did the kid try to make it look like he was trying to be a genius? Why would he show it to all his teachers if he thought that he'd get no attention?

The fact you're making this about you instead of the larger issue seems to imply jealousy. I'd suggest growing up.

The fact that I'm making it about me is because I know I could probably do the same thing and get a similar reaction (that I wouldn't want). What I'm saying is that if the kid didn't want to get arrested, he should've seen the potential reprecussions in the first place.

Ah okay, so it's okay to racially profile someone unless they make an even better clock.

It's not.

Tell me more about how a suitcase holds bombs better than, say, a cardboard box.

A suitcase doesn't look suspicious, a shoddy box does.

If he truly was only looking to show it to his engineering teacher, and it only beeped in another class (where it shouldn't have), and he wasn't flaunting it to everyone, color me misinformed. Sorry, everyone. Sources I read stated that he showed it to everyone.