Author Topic: 14 year-old makes home-made clock, arrested for 'bringing a bomb to school'  (Read 26375 times)


His plan is proceeding as smooth as butter. Now that he got an invitation he can bring an actual bomb :^)

that would actually be the best terrorist attack ever
they were tribal....

too tribal....

it was all a ruse to gather sympathy from obama!

wake up sheeple!

Let me ask you this, you are the police chief of anytown. You've seen years worth news from columbine, to various random bombings like the Boston marathon. You get a call from a highschool saying "We might have a bomb over here made by some muslim, get down here now".With that information what are you going to do?

Option 1:
Take it seriously: evacuate the school, send in the bomb squad to check and disarm a possible bomb and ask what the hell the kid was thinking. Then have money wasted on finding that the bomb is in deed a clock and having stuff thrown at you for detaining a suspect who turned out to be just some kid.

Option 2:
Or are going to ignore the call because you think it's a joke and risk an actual explosion going off. If your kid got killed in the blast, how would you feel if the police passed the call off as a prank? Plus then the news who be on the police for failing to stop a bomb, parents would be suing.

The police do not know every single detail for every situation as it is occurring. Everything has to be taken seriously until otherwise. It's the same reason why prank calling 911 is illegal, the same reason you don't walk to school with a prop gun and point it people, it's also the same reason you don't walk into a movie theater and scream fire. If you are fireman or a cop, you can't afford to make mistakes, second guess yourself, everything is serious business. We aren't psychics, we aren't god, we don't all the information or details.

also here is a real suit case bomb

just a clock right? or just a bomb? what do you think at first glance

Lets move on to the next group, the media which ranges from everything and anyone including Fox, CNN, RT, BBC, etc. All them have for years since 9/11 have reported on stories about evil muslim bombers for years and years. Plus there have been towns of movies and shows that have had muslim terrorists with bombs. Plus many of bombs in those movies and reportings are in suitcases just like that one. The media and movie industry created that stigma, not the police, not the government.

Which brings us to the next group, which is the school and the one who made the call. The ones who bought into the stigma in the first place and made the call. They should feel bad for buying into stereotypes.

The last person I want to mention is the kid. What happened to him is the product of stigma and reactions to real world events that have occurred. Yes he made a clock, but he built in a way that triggered everything in environment generated by stigma and past events that are still fresh. It would be taking a toy gun as a prank to columbine a few days after the shooting, or a flying a plane straight into pearl harbor right after the attack. Clearly there are better objects to house his creation than a suitcase, but he basically set him self up and the school took the bait.

yeah screw all the politically correct friends in this thread, that clock could have easily been mistaken for a bomb, plus he's a loving muslim, obviously a young muslim like him is going to be a terrorist, all terrorists are muslim. forget liberals

you guys know what would be a great idea
have a chest bomb rig but have it rigged to set off  silly string and then get loving shot and beat the forget up while screaming "IT'S A PRANK BRO"

you guys know what would be a great idea
have a chest bomb rig but have it rigged to set off  silly string and then get loving shot and beat the forget up while screaming "IT'S A PRANK BRO"
oh my god

you guys know what would be a great idea
have a chest bomb rig but have it rigged to set off  silly string and then get loving shot and beat the forget up while screaming "IT'S A PRANK BRO"
How about maybe.

you guys know what would be a great idea
have a chest bomb rig but have it rigged to set off  silly string and then get loving shot and beat the forget up while screaming "IT'S A PRANK BRO"

to be fair that looks like a stereotypical suitcase bomb at first glance if you ask me

...It was a metal case with a digital display on the front. Yes, that looks a hell of a lot like a bomb lol.
Everyone's actions here were entirely justified. Like, a terrorism group isn't going to ask "John Smith" to deliver a bomb for them, are they?


note the lack of complex bomb wiring

note the lack of any compartments for the explosive compound

note how the cops didn't treat the bomb like a bomb and didn't evacuate the school or get a bomb squad

note how the kid wasn't given access to his phone call during interrogation

...It was a metal case with a digital display on the front. Yes, that looks a hell of a lot like a bomb lol.
Everyone's actions here were entirely justified. Like, a terrorism group isn't going to ask "John Smith" to deliver a bomb for them, are they?

nobody would be loving handicapped enough to actually make a real bomb look like a stupid hollywood bomb with a countdown on it

plus, you know,

it'd be counting down

not up

to be fair that looks like a stereotypical suitcase bomb at first glance if you ask me
a suitcase bomb in an unlocked pencil-box is some new age stuff clearly
...It was a metal case with a digital display on the front. Yes, that looks a hell of a lot like a bomb lol.
Everyone's actions here were entirely justified. Like, a terrorism group isn't going to ask "John Smith" to deliver a bomb for them, are they?
what kind of stupid cuck puts a digital display on a suitcase bomb? literally nobody has ever done that. it would be suspicious since it would be rapidly counting down, and not counting up

note the lack of complex bomb wiring
note the lack of any compartments for the explosive compound
note how the cops didn't treat the bomb like a bomb and didn't evacuate the school or get a bomb squad
note how the kid wasn't given access to his phone call during interrogation
Wow, yeah, those school teachers should really have recognised that when they performed a field disposal of a bomb. (I am making fun of you) As a side-note, a bomb does not have "complex wiring," it doesn't need very much wiring at all.
They took away the kid and the bomb, while it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume there were more they apparently didn't think so. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here, it seems as if you're just restating what happened for the sake of making your post unnecessarily lengthier.
The "phone call" is an idiotic myth propagated by fiction, and I can't believe anyone above the age of 12 actually still thinks there's some legality backing it and not just lazy writing.

nobody would be loving handicapped enough to actually make a real bomb look like a stupid hollywood bomb with a countdown on it
plus, you know,
it'd be counting down
not up
Uh. Yes, bombs look like bombs. Suitcase bombs really don't look like "Hollywood" bombs, not enough sticks of TNT.
Do you think they have the time to contemplate the mechanism of the bomb? Or even recognise that it's counting up? It's like you're not even thinking.

what kind of stupid cuck puts a digital display on a suitcase bomb? literally nobody has ever done that. it would be suspicious since it would be rapidly counting down, and not counting up
Ah, yes, I'm sorry, I forgot terrorists have to meet your expectations, or the bomb simply isn't worth your consideration. I'm sure they try very hard to make the bomb looks just right for you.


actual picture of the clock

note the power cord. this forgeter is small. its a metal pencil case. notice the suspiciously absent central part of any bomb

the explosive part

the standard response to any bomb threat is evacuation and bomb squad

so why was 1) no one evacuated and 2) no bomb squad

rumors have said that the engineering teacher knew what it was. i would assume that if the police came with no normal response they too knew it wasn't an actual bomb

i'll give whoever called the cops the benefit of the doubt, and play devils advocate. at a glance, open wiring and stuff in a small case looks pretty suspicious. and hey, who the hell goes around showing people that? maybe its suspicious enough to warrant further investigation. and yeah, if it beeped in class, principals office is a good idea

but how does that justify then calling the police, then questioning him, then putting him in loving handcuffs, then taking him to the police station for questioning

im pretty right wing. all of this stupid "islamophobia" stuff and racism spin puts a sour taste in my mouth.

but the response to all of this is legit the most handicapped stuff i've seen in a long ass time. ESPECIALLY you handicaps condoning extreme police incompetency