Author Topic: my blockland castle.  (Read 3618 times)

I thought that gravestone was me after the picture shattered into my face...I died from the sight. But then again look at your edits have proved otherwise. I like the new trees...

Improvements: The gate sucks. You could lower it or make the interior visible. Other wise the secret passage would be the only entrance O.o
You could add wrench events to the oven so you can turn it on and off.

All i have to say but keep working on it and improve the quality.  At the moment i would have to rate it a 4 out of 10.

Why are you all looking for bad things in builds? Cant you say the things you like aswell as what you dislike?
i agree.

anyway, this isnt too bad. its a little small. but the design is cool.

i definitely like the hanging meat. haha. never seen that one before! :D

This post isn't directed at quarkenzyme, Bisjac, Gen. Nick, Jervan and a couple of other people I missed, who actually thought about what the posted, and actually had something nice to say.

I like how you guys have to break everything down into numbers and decimal points rather then rating arbitrarily. I'm sure that most of you wouldn't walk up to some kid and tell them their three scribbles sucks (not that I think this build is the equivalent of scribbles, I actually did enjoy it), that it lacks depth and composition, and then point at the Mona Lisa and say "make it look like that." How, even when you try and be nice and point out the things in a calm and composed manner, and then say "anyway it gets a 2/10 do more work and i'll like it more you have lots of potential" you still manage to come off as a total nintendo. Not everyone builds as well as others, not every gallery post is a cry for attention, a clan application, or a serious build that people are submitting for review. Sometimes they are just proud of their work and they want to show it off to more people.

If you tell everyone to build like USSR or MoTE, what you get is a bunch of people building the same macroed tree (I've started seeing the same macroed tree everywhere. As far as I can tell, the first place I saw it was on Sumz's modern house, where I thought it was really cool. Now I see it everywhere, and I'm hating it), the same potted plant, the same rug patterns, the same representation of a hard wood floor, the same intricate pattern made of slopes, just for the sake of impressing people. I like being able to walk into a server and say "Oh, I can tell Ephialtes built that! Oh look, lots of 1x2s and duplicated buildings, must be Sumz! Hah, there is the infamous RotCave! Built in Technicolor, must be Afkpuz!"

I'm not asking you to lie and tell people who made builds you weren't impressed with that you liked them, or that you should stop giving constructive criticism because it might upset them. I'm asking you not to flame people and not to bother rating them. A word or two means a lot more than 6/10. And most of all, I'm asking you not to tell some young child that they are drawing their scribbles wrong.

But who cares, you guys have been doing it since RTB, so forgive me if I don't expect anything great to come of it.

i just finished the armory.

The spear might look better if it was up on the wall, and with more spears. Also, the glass box looks a bit out of place in the armory. The way you put the swords up looks good. The B on the windows was a great touch :D

@Wedge: I agree. Also been seeing my vending machine around a lot lately, modified a bit in some cases, but the same basic look.

How long is it? Can you stand next to it, F8 Or camera Glow (Why it's named that is beyond me), then take a pic so I can have a better comparison?

wooooow, if you hadn't said it was a castle I would have that it was a run down nub church. Seriously though checkered tile floors?

like i said modman, you are the mod builder