Author Topic: Everything you try to type is a non Civillized Text. Help!  (Read 1044 times)

When me and the people in the server try to type something on the text, it says it's non civillized, everything i type... The Non Civillized Text Option is disabled in The RTB Options. Please Help me!

Go to config/server/prefs.cs. Look for $Pref::Server::ETardFilter and $Pref::Server::ETardList. Past their values here.

Open the console while hosting (Press the ` or ~ key that is above the TAB key and to the left of the 1 key), and type this in:

Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::ETardFilter = 0;
If that doesn't work, try jes00's method.

Open the console while hosting (Press the ` or ~ key that is above the TAB key and to the left of the 1 key), and type this in:

Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::ETardFilter = 0;
Better to fix the problem than just shutting the E-tard filter off.

Better to fix the problem than just shutting the E-tard filter off.
The e-tard filter being on is most likely the problem.

The e-tard filter being on is most likely the problem.
and/or being incorrectly set so it's filtering everything instead of just e-tard

The e-tard filter being on is most likely the problem.
It is the problem, based on the text displayed. But it'd be better to actually fix the problem then to just shut the e-tard filter off.

Maybe some troll added every possible character into the e-tard filter. It has been done to me once.

It must be a faulty add-on of some sort because no matter how much I try, I can't get it to always come up. Whether I do ,, , , ,   , or even a,b,c,d,e,f,etc
ex: filter is a,b,c,d,e,f
me: e
doesn't go through, gives error.
me: test
message sends normally, despite having an e in it.

happens to me all the time
if i edit it at all it will do what op is saying

It must be a faulty add-on of some sort because no matter how much I try, I can't get it to always come up. Whether I do ,, , , ,   , or even a,b,c,d,e,f,etc
ex: filter is a,b,c,d,e,f
me: e
doesn't go through, gives error.
me: test
message sends normally, despite having an e in it.
[$Pref::Server::ETardList = " ,";/tt] Does it.

$Pref::Server::ETardList = " ,"; Does it.

It must be a faulty add-on of some sort
Because with and without slayer this does not happen to me and it's the only thing I have that modifies server sided chat.