Don't waste your time with this mongoloid, between Nonnel, Zombiloin, Boltster, Jubel, and a handful of others, all has been said that needs to be said. OP is just a buffoon who keeps talking in circles and bringing up points that were already debunked last night.
"Debunked". How were they debunked? All that was said to me was "feminism is about equality because feminism is about equality". I have yet to change my mind because nobody has provided any sort of actual counter examples or proof to back up their claims. You have not "debunked" stuff. I have given several reasons demonstrating the lack of "equality" within feminism. It's not just direct actions, but also lack of action and the turning of blind eyes to certain issues. Equality is not one-sided.
Why does that even matter?
It's the content that you should be concerning yourself with, not the name.
i get that people are entitled to their opinions but OP has showed time and time before that he's really, really dumb
Read above, please.
this is relevant
I don't see the point of this.