
Should you be kicked from the server when you die?

I'm 50/50

Author Topic: What Remains - Open World Zombie Survival PvP (Public v1.5)  (Read 10915 times)

no the way it is now is better imo, but you need to add a radio mod/radio item that allows long distance communication.
especially given player names are replaced with RP names, global chat would be a mess i think. probably half the players would ask for help/"who are you??" rather than play and figure things out as things go along.

the chance encounters with others is part of why this game is so great, cause it makes you feel alone/independent. losing that feel would defeat the purpose of such a big map.

maybe increase the range of chat so that as long as the two are in the same city, they can see each other's chats.

no the way it is now is better imo, but you need to add a radio mod/radio item that allows long distance communication.
especially given player names are replaced with RP names, global chat would be a mess i think. probably half the players would ask for help/"who are you??" rather than play and figure things out as things go along.

the chance encounters with others is part of why this game is so great, cause it makes you feel alone/independent. losing that feel would defeat the purpose of such a big map.

maybe increase the range of chat so that as long as the two are in the same city, they can see each other's chats.
hmm that's a pretty good idea, i like it

The design and survival idea is really nice. But, just to be truthful. Zombies are over-used, they've been used for decades. There has been thousands of Zombie games. Along with tons of Zombie survival servers, it just seems very generic. I personally love survial, and apoc servers, but Zombies are just very, very, very generic.

No offense though, you seem like a good server host/builder

The design and survival idea is really nice. But, just to be truthful. Zombies are over-used, they've been used for decades. There has been thousands of Zombie games. Along with tons of Zombie survival servers, it just seems very generic. I personally love survial, and apoc servers, but Zombies are just very, very, very generic.

No offense though, you seem like a good server host/builder
repeated ideas do not mean bad ideas. there are likely tens of thousands of car models out there. it doesn't stop companies from continuing to develop new, improved iterations of old designs.
anyways its more fun than it may look, esp if you enjoy DayZ-esque games. give it a shot before saying the idea could be better.

[another idea: maybe have zombies rarely have a chance to drop loot?]
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 12:41:52 PM by Conan »

[another idea: maybe have zombies rarely have a chance to drop loot?]
yes, zsno had mentioned adding this
probably will happen within the week

how do you feel about a cure for the infection to be extremely rare to find, but possible to find on only zombies? (we're talking like a 0.01 chance)

also about the radio idea, I could always add radio mod onto the server which allows you to speak over radio channels with anybody on that radio channel
would that be good to add?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 12:50:48 PM by Nobot »

ok the whole entire thing where it kicks you when you're dead is probably the worst game mechanic that i have ever seen in my entire life

i just looked at the op and saw that it'll ban you for 1 hour when you die
that is even worse than the whole entire kicking thing
were you high or on some really stuff drug or something when you designed this

i honestly don't want to move from my spawn anymore for fear of being banned or whatever crap you "designed"

i'm sorry if  the last bit sounds a bit rude but i am really sad because i think i would really like this game except for the whole entire "ban if you make one mistake" thing
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 01:53:13 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

The kick on death actually served a purpose when the gamemode was first being made.
Basically the brick limit wasn't as high as number of bricks that were on the server. Therefore if you did actually manage to explore all the map, there would be giant chunks missing to your vision. The blocks still existed on the server, you just couldn't see them. Being kicked on death was a sort of "force refresh" of the bricks.

Doesn't serve much of a purpose now since the upgraded limit.

Also that ban for 1 hour thing is for their vision of a "hardcore" server :S

ok the whole entire thing where it kicks you when you're dead is probably the worst game mechanic that i have ever seen in my entire life

i just looked at the op and saw that it'll ban you for 1 hour when you die
that is even worse than the whole entire kicking thing
were you high or on some really stuff drug or something when you designed this

i honestly don't want to move from my spawn anymore for fear of being banned or whatever crap you "designed"

i'm sorry if  the last bit sounds a bit rude but i am really sad because i think i would really like this game except for the whole entire "ban if you make one mistake" thing
you do realize it doesn't actually ban you right now right...?

Well, I doubt people actually like the feature. It's not there for people to like it, it's there for people to want to die less.
In a way, it's kind of there just to make people a little on edge. It seems to do this pretty well so far.

Also, some people have told me it makes PvP much more enjoyable, just more satisfying I guess.

also guys I added temporary radios on the server
so you can do /radio channel [number] (if you're within range of a city)
and you can do "# [message] to talk in that radio channel

type "/radio help" for more information
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 02:30:41 PM by Nobot »

it would be nice if you spawned a weapon of some sort other than your fists

and zombies did less damage because getting touched by even one zombie reduces you to a one hit kill

you do realize it doesn't actually ban you right now right...?
but it is on your wip list
which means it is a feature that might come soon

and for that embedded quote it actually does put a lot on tension on the player but banning is just rediculous

it doesnt make me want to die less it just makes stuff like 4 times more inconvenient

the first time i got killed i didn't even think i died, i thought the server crashed or my connection failed or something because i didn't immediately get kicked, i just started to lag for 30 seconds

a death which, by the way, was caused by something so beyond the scope of the game (the bugs of the engine underlying beneath it) that the game should have made steps to subvert any potential code-level mishaps. you cant just wave away problems by saying 'well you should know better to do something you had no choice but to do'

and beyond that, how is it that you think that getting touched- not killed by or even getting like 3/4ths killed by, but just not playing completely perfectly- by a zombie being a guaranteed death for your character and a subsequent total wipe of any progress you've made is fun? like i get that you're trying to emulate that zombification is typically inevitable and 'all you need is one bite' but you realize that's not a trope across video games for a reason, and that reason is because video games are fun because of their unique ability to let the audience solve problems and having a problem that is literally unsolvable isn't fun, it's frustrating, and it gets more frustrating the longer and more drawn out the problem is because players are innately always thinking about the problems and challenges currently facing them and if a challenge is literally unsolveable then the game is no longer a game

like the whole thing seems super avant garde, like you'd justify it by saying something like 'death comes to everyone eventually' or 'you have to live with your mistakes', and if you were to hypothetically say something like that you'd be describing the single most pretentious and heavy-handed mod for a lego building game in the world and even if that isn't actually the situation the direction you seem to be pushing with the whole 'zombies are omnipresent and respawn quickly enough that there's always at least one outside, which means that without a melee weapon you're forced to take your chances with zombies' bullstuff AI that literally randomly decides whether or not they want to continue to pursue you or not to the extent that they'll suddenly decide not to attack while in midstride and just turn around and hug a wall' thing
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 02:41:37 PM by Bushido »

it would be nice if you spawned a weapon of some sort other than your fists

and zombies did less damage because getting touched by even one zombie reduces you to a one hit kill
getting hit by a zombie once doesn't reduce your health THAT much

a zombie will kill a player in about 3-5 hits (that isn't adding the fact you can regen health if your hunger is above 10)

but it is on your wip list
which means it is a feature that might come soon

and for that embedded quote it actually does put a lot on tension on the player but banning is just rediculous
the whole hardcore mode would be implemented on a seperate server for everything to be harder on the player, not this current server that is up
you don't need to worry about that

getting hit by a zombie once doesn't reduce your health THAT much

a zombie will kill a player in about 3-5 hits (that isn't adding the fact you can regen health if your hunger is above 10)
the whole hardcore mode would be implemented on a seperate server for everything to be harder on the player, not this current server that is up
you don't need to worry about that

zombies reduce you to 4 health

another hit from a zombie reduces you to dead and crashed from the server

i think there needs to be more of a reward for prowling all these houses like im playing as a brittle two-shot fleshbag against hordes of zombies you cant sneak around, and all i get is pizza and fuel cannisters

even stuffty knives being more common would be nice
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 02:43:57 PM by Niblic² »

the first time i got killed i didn't even think i died, i thought the server crashed or my connection failed or something because i didn't immediately get kicked, i just started to lag for 30 seconds
yes i've been told this quite a bit
not exactly sure what causes it to lag before you disconnect, so I won't make guesses

a death which, by the way, was caused by something so beyond the scope of the game (the bugs of the engine underlying beneath it) that the game should have made steps to subvert any potential code-level mishaps. you cant just wave away problems by saying 'well you should know better to do something you had no choice but to do'
and beyond that, how is it that you think that getting touched- not killed by or even getting like 3/4ths killed by, but just not playing completely perfectly- by a zombie being a guaranteed death for your character and a subsequent total wipe of any progress you've made is fun?
You have to realize that you're flipping out over a death which was caused by glitches or bugs. It was not guaranteed that this gamemode would be perfect > v1.3
and what are you even trying to say "how is it fun?" If you really don't like it then you don't have to play the server, it is still in progress but it's playable. Why are you asking that question lol?

Also, don't bring up the "don't host it if it isn't done" thing, because hosting it so far has lead to many improvements from what it used to be. (Even if that can be hard to believe)

like i get that you're trying to emulate that zombification is typically inevitable and 'all you need is one bite' but you realize that's not a trope across video games for a reason, and that reason is because video games are fun because of their unique ability to let the audience solve problems and having a problem that is literally unsolvable isn't fun
That is your opinion on the matter, as of right now if you get infected there is no cure.
We can always decide whether or not to add a cure.

AI that literally randomly decides whether or not they want to continue to pursue you or not to the extent that they'll suddenly decide not to attack while in midstride and just turn around and hug a wall' thing
You mean the default zombie AI for Blockland? Yeah.

Anyways, Bushido, if you have suggestions about how exactly to make the server better I'd love to hear them. It's better than trying to decypher what you said in a giant text wall that is basically always a form of rant about how the server has issues, but instead is almost always Blockland issues.

zombies reduce you to 4 health

another hit from a zombie reduces you to dead and crashed from the server
I don't know how many times you were hit, but it generally takes about 4 hits from a zombie before I am dead. There is no way you are killed in two hits.

i think there needs to be more of a reward for prowling all these houses like im playing as a brittle two-shot fleshbag against hordes of zombies you cant sneak around, and all i get is pizza and fuel cannisters

even stuffty knives being more common would be nice
funny thing is, stuffty knives are common
and you can actually sneak past zombies pretty easily, they aren't the best form of AI