Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone

Author Topic: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone  (Read 277383 times)

That's dumb, Mettaton wouldn't betray Blooky like that :(

Ain't no bonehead gonna make any sick jamz, Papyrus only makes spaghetti, and what good is pasta to a robot???
um... im pretty sure mettaton is napstablook's cousin

um... im pretty sure mettaton is napstablook's cousin


surprised to see this isnt mowtendoo

Since when was Mettaton into Papyrus?
If you call papyrus immediately after one of the mettaton fights (I want to say it's the last one) and you spare him, he'll comment on Mettaton's "Handsome, Bishonen eyes"

what the stuff how did you fit 9 letters in your name