Author Topic: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone  (Read 280300 times)

leaked footage of toby after losing the best indie game award

Ok first i thought this was going to be you just making fun of the game with a joke/meme but wHAT

I mean yeah the video was uploaded in 2011 but wtf toby

Ok first i thought this was going to be you just making fun of the game with a joke/meme but wHAT

I mean yeah the video was uploaded in 2011 but wtf toby
I'm almost positive that is not Toby Fox.

I'm almost positive that is not Toby Fox.
he literally says "im toby radiation fox" and "im the guy who did music for homestuck" in the video

he literally says "im toby radiation fox" and "im the guy who did music for homestuck" in the video
hey guys i'm toby radiation fox, the guy who did the music for homestuck

anyone can say that

he literally says "im toby radiation fox" and "im the guy who did music for homestuck" in the video
like i mean why do you care.

it's a private video from 4 years ago showing literally nothing. how petty can you be.

i've yet to determine the elusive true nature of squartle's meming

it's very subtle and yet too impactful to go unnoticed

like i mean why do you care.

it's a private video from 4 years ago showing literally nothing. how petty can you be.
its just a weird video calm down jeez

i've yet to determine the elusive true nature of squartle's meming

it's very subtle and yet too impactful to go unnoticed
like a fart

i appreciate you guys admiring my memer techniques and skills, but the person you should be admiring is my sensei, Uncle entrepreneur lebutt

Who is The entrepreneur lebutt?

i appreciate you guys admiring my memer techniques and skills, but the person you should be admiring is my sensei, Uncle entrepreneur lebutt
don't scatter your memes to the heartless sea

Who is The entrepreneur lebutt?
The Great Foretold Legend of Uncle entrepreneur lebutt
1458. In the meadows in Grand Banks, Newfoundland, there lies a simple old mud hut with a door overshadowed by the overwhelming amounts of fog surrounding the area. Nobody bothered to look what was in the hut, as it looked the most unsuspicious thing in the world. However, rumors quickly spread around local tribes that inside the simple hut contains unforsaken meme power, after a boy hearing a soft "I'm in my mums car" while passing by the hut. Everybody in the tribe hoped deeply for this rumor to be true, as their evil king, Maxwell, was a flaming homoloveual that loved getting cummies from his boyfriend Nonnel, and endorsed same-love laws. However, the king hated memes, since memes cheated on Maxwell the previous year, but still had a soft spot for memes which means he could easily be overthrown with a strong meme. This filled the tribe with determination so much that they sent their strongest person to unveil what was in the mysterious hut. Once the man was at the hut, he kindly knocked on the door. Nobody answered. He tried again. Nobody answered. The man got so mad, he punched the door down his bare fist. The man then saw a tall old man, with very overwhelming acne, meditating. "What brings you here, traveler?" Said the old man. "I come from the Blokokhamen tribe, and we were hoping we could borrow some memes." Said the man. The old man opened his eyes. "You fool, my memes are too strong for you." The old man smirked. The man took his comment very personally. "No, I think I'M too strong for them!" The man said very angrily. The man lunged himself toward the old man, but before he could do anything, the old man yelped "REAL brother HOURS" and a mysterious beam penetrated a gigantic hole through the man. The man toppled without hesitation. The old man laughed hysterically, and said "He needs some milk." and suddenly the old man along with his hut disappeared without a trace. In present day, If you get close to the mans grave, you can hear a faint track of Gangnam Style.

hey guys i'm toby radiation fox, the guy who did the music for homestuck
Oh stuff guys, it's really him!!

Speaking of Toby Fox, he was actually on a stream a bit ago with some guys from the SSBM community -

Their interview questions are pretty terrible and they go off on long rambling tangents without realizing Toby is even there, but there are a couple questions about Undertale if you want to sift through it. Sorry you had to put up with all that, Ipquarx!