Author Topic: Would you rather?- [Forum game] v1  (Read 3398 times)

But taboo's idiocy forces him to constantly ,ale posts even when he's been proven wrong seventeen times.

1'15 carrot up the ass or made to masturbate to Sonic research for a week straight?

Would you rather be stuck in a sinking submarine with no way out or be stranded in space?

Stranded in space. If I aint rescued/am gonna run out of air, I can just pop outside and let my head blow up.
Lose your BLF account, or lose your Steam account?

But aren't you taller than me
~5' 10" iirc

Stranded in space. If I aint rescued/am gonna run out of air, I can just pop outside and let my head blow up.
Lose your BLF account, or lose your Steam account?
BLF account.

Would you rather be a disabled superhero (think Xavier from X-men) or an evil genius?

Evil genius.

Would you rather live as long as you want or set a record no one will ever beat?

I will set a record no one will ever beat by making myself live 300 years

Nothing or nothing - the choice is yours!

i choose the choice is yours

be forced to watch a loved one die brutally, or die painfully yourself

Loved one die brutaly.

Would you rather bite into icecream with sensitive teeth, or get kicked in the nuts 3 times.

the former

leave blf or join deviantart and get DEEP into it

leave blf

Would you rather have no internet or have no games

no internet  i already have several awesome 1-P games

would you rather lick doorknobs or guess what I found in my sock last night (go ahead, guess!)

Your mother

Would you rather save Kim Kardashian or your mother from a building fire

that way i dont need to try and walk away
no moms harmed

would you rather
eat icecream thats secretly stuff
eat stuff knowing its actually stuff

that way i dont need to try and walk away
no moms harmed

Ice cream. At least people won't judge me for it.

Would you rather bang a really hot chick that is literally exactly what you want in a girl whenever you want or have a lifetime supply of food and drinks of your choice (food and drink meal can be changed every month)