Author Topic: Blockland as MMOG  (Read 1392 times)

Blockland currently can have fairly large servers, but what if one were to boost the number of people allowed on a server. You could have a server that runs constantly, and have upwards of 50 people on it. I think it would be really cool. You guys?

Two words: Unbearable lag

Well, so far its not possible, but part of it is, just host a dedicated server and wahlah you have it, but for the 50people i agree, UNBEARABLE LAG.

sparrow this is the reason wow costs money the servers are ridiculously powerful
and take a lot of money to maintain

however something like wallets rise of blockland except far more involved
in rise of blockland you have to wait to get money this is extremely boring
it would be neat if you could do something like kill monsters or mine material to get money

But then Blockland would be like any other stupid game out there.

something like kill monsters or mine material to get money
Good things come to those who wait :D

The Magic Server/Mod will be awesome, we all know it :P

well ive managed to get about 30 people on my server once.

That's under the standing limit. Impressive, but under the standing limit.

I've always wanted to make a futuristic MMO type of mod for BL, with a skill tree to specialize in a specific class (needing specific base skills to pilot/equip certain things), new vehicles like mechs and space-battleships, and on a humongous multi-environment map on a massive 50 pop dedicated server.

Yeah, that would be cool.

Would it by any chance also have plasma grenades, recharging energy shields, and tons of smooth shaded models ripped from Halo that haven't even been optimized?

I would love an MMO server, I've always wanted quests and such to do.

you'll turn blockland into wow! but worse graphics, extreme lag, and poor weapon animation!!!!

but, i also like the idea. Mabe if i get enough money fir my birthday, i'll buy an extremly fast server (or two :D) and host this. but for now, i must host my normal server now.

Would it by any chance also have plasma grenades, recharging energy shields, and tons of smooth shaded models ripped from Halo that haven't even been optimized?
Probably not no. I don't play Halo.

I could help script an MMOG server if someone could host a strong dedi server(or just strong, dedi would be nice tho).