Author Topic: [forgetin my stuff life up blog - haven't quit; just nothing to say lol 💪👀👌]  (Read 6950 times)

If you're actually serious about changing your habits, get into mindfulness meditation.

Most of the bad habits we have, we do without any thought. Mindfulness meditation will train you at being more aware of your actions, thoughts and feelings. You'll then be able to catch yourself in the act and alter your habits.

Write up a shopping list, with healthier foods on it, organize your morning routine, and make plans to exercise over the weekend, and if you finish HW early over the week.

I found an easy way to lose weight (not at a fast pace, but a great start) is just going on walks.  Like long walks and often.  I am not drinking any sugary drinks and eating outright fatty foods for the next two weeks just to see how that helps me, and I already walk about a mile or more on campus 5 days out of the week.

forgetin rekt

You brought this upon yourself
Its your fault that you're overweight

I found an easy way to lose weight (not at a fast pace, but a great start) is just going on walks.  Like long walks and often.  I am not drinking any sugary drinks and eating outright fatty foods for the next two weeks just to see how that helps me, and I already walk about a mile or more on campus 5 days out of the week.
doctors hate him

did you not sense the obvious sarcasm
im not even backtracking because people got pissed. this was clearly a joke. im a richard, but im not that much of a richard
obvious sarcasm..?
clearly a joke..?

please never attempt comedy again, you're bad at it.

As of right now, I have exactly 1 post per day.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 11:48:18 PM by Shift Kitty »

alright it's time to tally things up for today.

I had three light meals, ending with a refreshing salad for dinner, and I'm making preparations for healthier meals in the future. I didn't get as much work done as I would've liked, but I'm taking care of that now. My room is coming along nicely. I have a bunch of old shoes lying around that need organizing, but that shouldn't be too bad. After I finish what I'm working on now, I'll do 2 sets of 50 reps with 10-pound dumbbells.

Doesn't sound like much, but tomorrow morning, my aunt will be taking me to the gym. She's also getting into a fitness kick, which is convenient for me.

we're already making progress.

also I think I got the title just right without being too ambiguous.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 11:20:28 PM by Frequency »


although you may want to go a bit lighter in terms of weights until you feel comfortable with a set weight, just my input

good job so far and I hope to see you continue!

You brought this upon yourself
Its your fault that you're overweight
How do you sleep at night?

op remember to drink lots of water no joke

drinking water made me feel better after dropping soda altogether

why are people still relying to it

Op, don't starve yourself, it only makes you hungrier and it doesn't make you lose weight afaik, I hope you pull through this and good luck

My baby sister who isn't even 2 hit me with a baby toy a few months ago and it came down right on the edge of my pelvis. I had to hold ice under my shirt for more than an hour and I got an ugly blue welt.
