Author Topic: [forgetin my stuff life up blog - haven't quit; just nothing to say lol 💪👀👌]  (Read 6930 times)

did you not sense the obvious sarcasm
im not even backtracking because people got pissed. this was clearly a joke. im a richard, but im not that much of a richard

Go far away please

Btw reson if you ever wanna talk you can PM me confidentially

cant, weighs 275

I would say you owe me new sides but I'm trying to lose weight so keep em lmao

You brought this upon yourself
Its your fault that you're overweight

I'll forgetin eat you......

anyway thanks for the support, everyone.

First thing's first, my room is a mess. It reflects my recent apathy. I've also read that being in a clean environment can contribute to being able to focus easier.

It's never too late to better yourself, it's good that you're starting to take initiative. I was extremely depressed through most of high school, but one of my friends was in a similar situation and managed to get his stuff together, so I was like "forget it" and started bettering myself, got a job, started procrastinating less, and in general became a happier person. Only he took initiative for some girl who didn't want him, and he's all depressed as stuff now because she dumped him over text, but the moral of the story is to better yourself for you instead of some bitch, you'll probably find someone better in life when you're older anyway.

im not even backtracking because people got pissed.
yes you are, except it's called backpedaling, but you're still doing it

the moral of the story is to better yourself for you instead of some bitch, you'll probably find someone better in life when you're older anyway.

I've heard this a lot, and I believe it. I'd hate to regress just because of a relationship turning out to not be worth the work.

stop lying your not an starfish

stop lying your not an starfish
i cant tell if this was motivational or not

did you not sense the obvious sarcasm
im not even backtracking because people got pissed. this was clearly a joke. im a richard, but im not that much of a richard

jokes on us he was only pretending
It's not 'obvious' sarcasm when you're a moron to start with.

i cant tell if this was motivational or not

its you're not your

accept the NEET lifestyle

no matter how slow you go, you are beating everyone sitting on the couch. just know that the road to success is paved with failure

i'll roll you to subway on that road hahahahaha aaahaha

did you not sense the obvious sarcasm
im not even backtracking because people got pissed. this was clearly a joke. im a richard, but im not that much of a richard
your just trying to cover yourself your pathetic pig