Author Topic: Good-bye forever, not loving around this time  (Read 22481 times)

Good-bye for real this time guys, I'm aware I've said this before but this time there's no bullstuff. I have no reason to still be on Blockland forums and everyone clearly has a direct hate toward me, and so to aid everyone and their picky standards of who to be, I'm just gonna quit. Forever. I'm gonna take several measures to stop me from coming back to this stuffhole.
None of you give a stuff about me leaving, and some may even celebrate it. Good for you. Celebration is good.

If you feel the need to have an entire board dedicated to insulting and flaming other users, and participate in it as if there's nothing wrong with doing so, may God have mercy on your soul. Apparently everyone has to chime in on what they think of another user here, and it's all a circlejerk where everyone is getting e-peen size pills for participating.

I understood that nobody liked me from the start, but now you've progressed slowly and slowly closer back to it that it's started to piss me off. Apparently, you all love to keep grudges. I've learned that the hard way.

Good-bye forever. Enjoy your little section of the internet.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 12:03:10 AM by Rotondo »

if you were serious about leaving you would have just left

you'll be back.

and here i was thinking you got better

Never heard of you. This isn't drama section. Drama section is for little bitches. Bye bye

Never heard of you. This isn't drama section. Drama section is for little bitches. Bye bye
forgetin savage lmfao

You do realize that leaving quietly is an option...

No one feels sorry for you bro

0/10 no poem

also i never hated you :(

0/10 no poem

"roses are red
violets are blue
im outtie lol forget you"