Author Topic: TANKGAME: BAD NEWS!!  (Read 3796 times)

I have been working on an android game for the past few weeks humbly named TankGame (I bet you cannot guess what it is about!).

The game's current version is The Passenger Update (0.20). There is still quite a bit of work to do before initial release.

Here is a pic of what it looks like at the moment:

(The image isn't very good and the UI is out of place due to an aspect ratio of 16:10 instead of 4:3 (what it was developed for))

Please ignore the intro to the game and  the main menu for now as they are place holders (you can tap the screen to skip the intro). To begin the game simply press "New Game" in the main menu.


A basic looting system: When an enemy is killed, tap the move button and then tap on the dead enemy tank. Your tank will move to it and you will be notified that you are currently looting it by the grey bar beside "Development Version 0.1.0". Once the bar fills the enemy tank will be looted.

A currency system: There are 4 different types of loot. (Scrap metal, Gun parts, Sheet Metal and Cash). When the player has looted the enemy you will get a randomized amount of loot. You can view how much loot you have by pressing the button with a cog and a down arrow in it. A drop down menu will appear. To get rid of the menu, press the button again.

A very basic shop system: To open the shop simply drive the tank (using the move button) into the grey square with the two spanners, a button with a "$" symbol will appear. NOTE: When you are in the shops area, you will not be able to shoot and the enemies will not go near you.
How the game works:

The enemies use an algorithm to determine how many spawn. There is a wave system but no notification (yet) of which wave you are on. The game will start with a single enemy. Once he is killed, you will have only 10 seconds to loot him and prepare for the next wave. Every third wave introduces another enemy. (so it works like this: |ONE|, |ONE|, |TWO|, |TWO|, |THREE|... and so on). This will be refined over time (increasing health, giving better weapons and upgrading vehiv


To move: Tap the move button and then an area on the screen where you want to move to. Your tank will then move accordingly.

To aim: Tap the aim button and then the area on the screen that you want to aim the tank at. The Tank will then aim accordingly.

To fire: press the fire button (there is a 1.5 second cool down between each shot).

To use a repair kit: Tap on the spanner button above the health percentage notification. The game starts with 3 repair kits.

Bugs I am aware of
Sometimes the players tank will fire 2 shells.
FIXED:When you enable the "Quit to desktop" toggle in the quit menu. It will return to the main menu.
FIXED:If you aim at a specific spot where the barrel points toward a corner of your tank, the shell will harm you. (this has been fixed in the update I am currently working on and is still a problem in the version I have uploaded)
Please notify me of any bugs you experience while playing/testing out my game :)

In the next update:
Performance optimization and tweaks.
An options menu.
Scale-able User Interface.
Performance Mode.

Other minor UI tweaks and fixes.

Bug fixes:

Download Links
Original Version (0.1.0)
>> <<

Passenger Update (0.20)
>> <<
How to install APK files on Android Devices:

Please leave feedback (by PM) on what you would like to see in the game.

How to install an APK:

I am aware that the save and load buttons don't work as it is not currently a feature

Unfortunately the Serializer and Pathfinding had a tiff and the game collapsed in on its-self which is a major downfall. Fortunately I will be able to salvage my codes and I may be able to get it back up and running but I do not have any idea when I will be finished doing that. I will give updates as I work on it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 09:31:06 PM by Tom060197 »

I suggest you add a checkbox or something to enable an fps counter so we can tell you how it's running on our devices

What takes up the most of the 19mb? seems unusually large for what is on-screen?

Also I was running it on a samsung galaxy s3 and everything was waaay too small
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 04:48:26 AM by Darryl McKoy »

I suggest you add a checkbox or something to enable an fps counter so we can tell you how it's running on our devices

What takes up the most of the 17mb? seems unusually large for what is on-screen?

Also I was running it on a samsung galaxy s3 and everything was waaay too small

That is an amazing idea. I may work on that soon. I plan on making a performance mode (the lights around the shells and the shader for the terrain chew through my devices RAM)

I think the AI system I bought, an Icon Pack I downloaded from the Unity Asset Store and the way unity compiled the game is to blame for the 17mb (I'm quite sure it 19mb though)

I have tried to fix the issue where everything is small. Its because of the aspect ratio of your phone. I built the game for a 4:3 aspect ratio (tablets and such) but an android phones aspect ratio is 16:10. You will notice that in my picture and most likely on your phone, that the UI is away from the edges, I will post an image of what is should look like.


Here is the image I promised. Sorry about the resolution as my tablet doesn't have a screenshot feature and I had to take the pic with my phone.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 05:07:57 AM by Tom060197 »

Are you using actual unity terrain or just a textured plane?

Are you using actual unity terrain or just a textured plane?

I'm using a textured cube for now, I plan to change it to a plane and use sprites for other parts of terrain such as rocks, roads or concrete.

Here is a list of everything that will be featured so far in the passenger update:


The Cash currency will be added but is not yet featured.
Added the Passenger, A hire-able passenger who will shoot at the enemy tanks independently.

The passenger will come with upgrades; However I am unsure as to what they ALL will be just yet.
So far the passenger has 9 Upgrades, all of them weapons.

Here is a list of all of the passengers weapons. (I will not be giving descriptions just yet).

  • Pistol
  • Revolver
  • PDW (Personal Defense Weapon
  • SMG (Sub-Machine Gun)
  • Burst Rifle
  • Assault Rifle
  • Double Barrel Shotgun
  • Pump-Action Shotgun
  • Light Machine Gun
  • Machine Gun

Menu's in the shop (General, Player, Passenger, CLASSIFIED)
2 panels in the pause menu to show you the dimensions (screen width and height) of your android device.
An options menu. Currently the only thing in there is an option to check to see your FPS (which Darryl McKoy suggested).


You can now no longer scroll further than the items in the shop.
You can no longer shoot yourself when aiming the barrel at a corner of the tank.

If anyone would like, I can upload a preview of the game so you can see for yourself (although you cannot purchase any weapons, instead you will purchase a repair kit. But I will enable the passenger with the LMG).

You better not have microtransactions or I will consume you

Looks promising though. Some blockland forumers have made mobile games in the past, but they always fail.

You better not have microtransactions or I will consume you

Looks promising though. Some blockland forumers have made mobile games in the past, but they always fail.

There will be 0 micro-transactions. That decision what made the day I started brainstorming the idea, I have never felt that micro-transactions amount to anything, however I will be putting in a Paypal donation link in at some stage. But it will remain as a link in the bottom corner of the main menu and will not be seen the actual game its self :)

For the sake of letting people quickly test play it, you should upload web builds to

Good Idea! I will give it a go and see if it works. Because it is all buttons I don't see why it wont. But I will have to do that when I launch the next update.

the tanks blend in with the background

the tanks blend in with the background
What do you mean by "blend in"?

Here's an Image of the upgraded shop coming in the next update:

the colors are dark and muddy on both the tanks and the background beneath them, making the tanks hard to see

the colors are dark and muddy on both the tanks and the background beneath them, making the tanks hard to see
I find them quite easy to see, but do you think I should put an option for a black shadow around them in?