Author Topic: What was the biggest drama in BLF history?  (Read 8874 times)

They actually still have an active albeit small forum and it looks like an update was pushed to the game about a year ago.

That's really bizarre. Their forum only has around 500 users, but some of them do post quite regularly.
But it seems they don't have much to talk about.
And then there's things like this;

When this is the state of the game.

It's like it's paused in time. Kinda creepy.

It's like it's paused in time. Kinda creepy.

Age of Time meets Blockland: Unleashed

tbm2 and orange block were done by other people, the original developers (mcp,rob,luquado) left to do life things or something

It's like it's paused in time. Kinda creepy.
That looks cool albeit ancient

i find it funny they call blockland a wasteland
and then theres a wasteland map

Also, I wonder who that 'friendly user on reddit' was, and what subreddit he happened to be posting in.
I bet it'd be reeally surprising to find out.

Man, it feels so creepy looking back on old BLF dramas, I see so many people that I've never known and never will know. It's also quite unsettling to know that there's actually a competitor game hiding in the shadows, and is actually populated a bit.

We are absolutely haunted (Both literally and figuratively) by our past, from TBM, to mocheeze, to smaller things like the Nigerian Cunts.

the various icygamma dramas fo sho

who is mocheeze
mocheeze was one of the original creators of RTB. Unfortunately he died awhile back in a hot air balloon accident at which point Ephialtes took over as the face of RTB.