Author Topic: I'm sick of being fat  (Read 3357 times)

After a lovely physical at the doctors office where I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, possibly Insomnia (Need to take my sleep study to confirm), and my blood pressure was high during testing as well as being told I need to take vitamin D3 supplements. I have also not lost any weight from restricting what I eat and exercising in the 2 months so I feel like a complete loving piece of lard on legs.

I am going to essentially starve myself* because I am sick of GAINING weight when I should be loosing it (It is not muscle, my sizing has stayed the same.)

*Along with all that proper nutrition stuff

If you can't tell I am extremely agitated at myself from this
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 10:36:23 PM by Badspot »

Don't go starving yourself.
That's not good for you, physically or emotionally.

How are you controlling your diet? Are you just avoiding snacks?
What of your regular meals? How many meals do you normally have, and what do you normally have for those meals?

Sleep apnea really forgets with your energy levels and ability to control weight. My brother dealt with it for a long time before getting diagnosed and set up with a CPAP. That sucks dude.



sleep tight puppers

The only thing that allowed me to lose weight was running every morning. I got to the point where I was running 5 miles every morning before I started slimming down in my stomach / upper body area.

The only thing that allowed me to lose weight was running every morning. I got to the point where I was running 5 miles every morning before I started slimming down in my stomach / upper body area.
This is a good thing to be doing. Not only is it a routine, but adhering to it could also possibly enforce a sleep cycle. I know that you can't cure sleep apnea just by doing that, but regularity is huge.
After your sleep study, I hope there's something they can do on a medical front.
My mother sleeps really really lightly, but that's a stress thing. However, she's on the other side of the weight issue (though not substantially by any means).

Dont starve yourself. your body will try to get as much fat as possible to survive, so it will immediately backfire
Good luck to you though


  • Administrator
Do not post ambiguous topics, thanks.

Dont starve yourself. your body will try to get as much fat as possible to survive, so it will immediately backfire
yeah that is i think what happens
as if your body prepares for a big feast, (which doesn't come) fat is created

but i'm not certain so good luck

Do not post ambiguous topics, thanks.
Dreddspot lays down the law; being fat = 30 years in the isocubes.

im sick of you being fat

Dreddspot lays down the law; being fat = 30 years in the isocubes.