Author Topic: I’m tired of people using Glitches to break games.  (Read 1864 times)

I’ve noticed recently that people have been using a lot of bugs to break servers. (Basically cheating)

To get things started, here is a picture of fastestnoob no-clipping through the wall on Rgg’s Super Creeper
This glitch is popular on Rgg’s server and I see it at-least once every time I am on his server.

tell the host or something

might go in drama
I get the feeling if I did that, it would end up with someone saying, “Hm, not Drama worthy, move it to General Discussions"

I get the feeling if I did that, it would end up with someone saying, “Hm, not Drama worthy, move it to General Discussions"
Nah, this is entirely a Drama topic.

Anyone doing shady stuff in-game falls into Drama and nowhere else.

tell the host or something
I did. As far as this glitch goes, there is no way to fix it, without adding killplates literally everywhere outside the maps.

I know four main ways players can escape through bricks:

1) Basic vehicles. Driving into walls at certain angles lets you pass though bricks of larger sizes.

2) Being the smallest events can allow and with enough speed, players can fly/fall through bricks.

3) Similar to vehicle exploitation, using skiis while holding forward right at the edge of walls lets you "phaze" through bricks.

4) Any round or ramp brick too close to a ceiling can be used to push players up through single layer roofs

I may go into detail about best ways to achieve/prevent these later.

Okay by what do they gain out of this

I know four main ways players can escape through bricks:

1) Basic vehicles. Driving into walls at certain angles lets you pass though bricks of larger sizes.

2) Being the smallest events can allow and with enough speed, players can fly/fall through bricks.

3) Similar to vehicle exploitation, using skiis while holding forward right at the edge of walls lets you "phaze" through bricks.

4) Any round or ramp brick too close to a ceiling can be used to push players up through single layer roofs

I may go into detail about best ways to achieve/prevent these later.
new bugs that have arised:
using certain console commands that are default to the game to move really slowly while crouching will literally let you slide through bricks

4) Any round or ramp brick too close to a ceiling can be used to push players up through single layer roofs
the super creeper maps are tightly packed and there are a lot of these.
I've had this problem too when I was moderating nals super creeper. this one guy who knew ever possible glitch in the maps would do this to get out which it was kinda funny

new bugs that have arised:
using certain console commands that are default to the game to move really slowly while crouching will literally let you slide through bricks

indeed. This is the one people keep exploiting. If you give me his id OP I can ban him.

Code: [Select]
package swol_exploitFix
function player::moveExploitCheckLoop(%pl)
%db = %pl.getDatablock();
if((%db.maxForwardSpeed >= 2  && %db.maxSideSpeed >= 2 && %db.maxBackwardSpeed >= 2 && %db.maxForwardCrouchSpeed >= 2 && %db.maxSideCrouchSpeed >= 2 && %db.maxBackwardCrouchSpeed >= 2))
%vel = %pl.getVelocity();
%x = getWord(%vel,0);
%y = getWord(%vel,1);
%z = getWord(%vel,2);
%moveSpeed = mAbs(%x) + mAbs(%y);
if(%z == 0 && %moveSpeed > 0.1 && %moveSpeed < 1.8 && !(getSimTime()-%pl.velAdd < 200))
if(%pl.hackMoveCount > 0)
if(%pl.hackMoveCount > 10)
centerPrint(%pl.client,"Stop using move glitches or you will be killed",1);
if(%pl.hackMoveCount > 15)
%pl.moveExploitCheckSched = %pl.schedule(50,moveExploitCheckLoop);
function gameConnection::createPlayer(%cl,%pos)
function gameConnection::moveExploitCheck(%cl)
if(!isObject(%pl = %cl.player))
function player::addVelocity(%pl,%vel)
%pl.velAdd = getSimTime();
function player::setVelocity(%pl,%vel)
%pl.velAdd = getSimTime();
I attempted to create a fix
it should theoretically work and requires that all of the players base movements are greater than 2 so if you have a really slow playertype people may still be able to abuse the glitch
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 09:18:45 PM by Swollow »

indeed. This is the one people keep exploiting. If you give me his id OP I can ban him.

All I see in the picture is the guy standing there. And wtf does "no-clipping" mean.