Author Topic: Night Thread v2 - Night 19  (Read 15682 times)

hello friends

i am sir dingle dangle of skid group 123

"59 users online"
secret club

Stayed up til 3am two nights in a row (bad idea, slept through a class) and it's already 1:30.

Men, it's official,

We've hit rock-bottom

Men, it's official,
We've hit rock-bottom
It's ok im online now

Got to sleep at 6am.
Woke up by fire alarm at 8:30am.
Go back to sleep by 9am.
Woken up at 11:45am by someone knocking loudly on my door and then leaving before I could get out of bed to answer.

Now I'm going back to bed before its noon.

I'm totally in night right now

it's getting pretty spooky in here

I'm watching baseball for the first time this season. I probably wouldn't be watching it if I were sober.

Taking out the trash....

at night!

time to write an essay i put off ever since i got home

woo i finally made it on here in time