Author Topic: avatar spookification station  (Read 24970 times)

Are you kitten me?
This guy has like 8 loving pages of avatars to do, and you are whining about not getting yours now?
but what is this even
how did you forget up this quote

thank you stufflord for being my spooker in arms

spook me up.
i cant do realistic avatars well but i tried on this one

eh the only thing i could imagine to do with that is make like flames in the background or something
its already orange so i cant do that
and i dont really have the tools to do the flame thing

yeah the main thing to appreciate about the ones oblivion does is the creativity

you.. wouldn't think about some of that stuff

Guys, this guy has about 200 requests to do, and is decreasing thanks to stufflord, but you guys need to calm down. At this rate, he will never finish. Please be patient, it might honestly be a few days before you guys get your avatars. I know mine will be a while, and I'm not going to complain.

you guys skipped me :c
do i need to make the big words saying what page the avatars are from even bigger or something