Author Topic: is Annoying Orange resigning  (Read 2541 times)

A lot of people are say quick to say cut the military. It's one the worst ideas in my opinion because people don't realize how many countries rely on us for defense. Plus moving forces costs money, maintenance of equipment costs money, ammo costs money, training costs money, gotta pay the troops. Unfortunately for them conflicts do not go away because you close your eyes and cut spending.

There is evidence supporting that Turkey is funding CIA, Evidence that Assad is also funding CIA to keep the rebels down, we have Russia supporting Syria with its military now, and China is trying to play world power. Definitely not the best time to make defense cuts.

I think the rich can take a little bit more of the burden. Meanwhile the middle class continues to shrink and get forgeted over because some ceo didn't want to spare a few extra dollars. Your big production companies have pretty much moved to China where they can save thousands by not having to pay workers.

Meanwhile college has become a necessity to survive and the job market is too small.

precisely this. but the military is not efficient. a lot of it is structurally  cold-war era, some of it even deriving from WW2. just cutting money from it is a godawful idea, but we need to make it more efficient.

I think the rich can take a little bit more of the burden. Meanwhile the middle class continues to shrink and get forgeted over because some ceo didn't want to spare a few extra dollars. Your big production companies have pretty much moved to China where they can save thousands by not having to pay workers.

Meanwhile college has become a necessity to survive and the job market is too small.
they can definitely pay more, but the level he would need is ridiculous
college is a necessity, and colleges realize this as a way that they can make tons of money. if the government starts to pay all for it, they'll see that people have infinite cash to spend and they'll raise the prices even higher (healthcare and required health insurance cough cough)

they can definitely pay more, but the level he would need is ridiculous
college is a necessity, and colleges realize this as a way that they can make tons of money. if the government starts to pay all for it, they'll see that people have infinite cash to spend and they'll raise the prices even higher (healthcare and required health insurance cough cough)
"if people don't go into crippling debt in order to obtain a necessity, they'll have literally all the money in the world to spend"

"if people don't go into crippling debt in order to obtain a necessity, they'll have literally all the money in the world to spend"
they want you to be in debt to them. more interest money.

Very true. The army wasted money on developing new camo that doesn't blend in with anything, and a new uniform that is made of less durable materials than the one it replaced. Meanwhile we are wasting more money on niche camos and uniforms for all the branches. We need to go back to the old days when there was only one type of CAMO used by all the branches like of like the BDU/DCU days.

The army also seems too invested in those useless Strykers, We should be looking into the M8 AGS project and expanding on the turretless Bradley. The USMC thinks replacing the M249 Saw with a rifle is a good idea, never mind years of expirence and history proving that is indeed a bad idea. The USMC alsso wants to replace their tracked APCs with wheeled ones despite tracks being better suited for rough terrain.

There is also the whole F-35 debacle. The airforce also wants to scraps our large fighter fleet for a smaller stealth oriented fleet which could be become outdated once next gen radar and air defense comes in. Retiring the A-10 without a proper replacement is also a bad idea since it's a good morale booster.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 01:52:13 PM by Harm94 »

Retiring the A-10 without a proper replacement is also a bad idea
Who would even think of retiring the BRRRRRRT?!

Who would even think of retiring the BRRRRRRT?!
The airforce who wants a fleet entirely of multi-role fighters such as the F-35. The A-10 is outdated on the conventional airfield, however it does it's job as a close airsupport plane very well over a plane like the F-16.

how do you even update the A-10
add another loving massive gun?
add another jet engine?
paint it blue?

how do you even update the A-10
add another loving massive gun?
add another jet engine?
paint it blue?
add another blue gun that uses a jet engine to rotate, of course

how do you even update the A-10
add another loving massive gun?
add another jet engine?
paint it blue?
make it into a flying tank, of course

how do you even update the A-10
add another loving massive gun?
add another jet engine?
paint it blue?
The A-10 can carry large load of munitions from rocket pods, guided missiles, and enough ammo in the gun to waste light skin vehicles for long enough time whereas the F-35 can only drop a few guided bombs or launch a few missiles and then has to return to base whereas the A-10 can stay around longer to provide support.

The Frame is pretty much done for. A new frame that can avoid radar detection and carry a large enough arsenal is required to replace the A-10.

Are you joking

America's debt as it stands is $16.3 trillion, 108% of their GDP. I would hardly consider them a wealthy nation at this point.

It seems like the only other competition to Annoying Orange is Sanders. When you have an idiot like Sanders who wants to make college free, healthcare free, make minimum wage 15$ an hour while simultaneously increasing taxes on business owners, and is a person who frowns upon the free market. It doesn't look good.

Annoying Orange may be a business man but at least he has a general idea of how money works, unlike Sanders.

He's now for raising taxes on the rich
I no longer would vote for Annoying Orange.

America's debt as it stands is $16.3 trillion, 108% of their GDP. I would hardly consider them a wealthy nation at this point.
The relationship between government deficit and wealth is not that simple.