Author Topic: siba's GTA:SA - Verdant Bluffs  (Read 43031 times)

Inner harbor complete, credits for the screenshots go to Teneksi.

Annnd a few of mine..

« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 11:41:53 PM by siba² »

All major contributors are entitled to 2 pumpkin spice lattes courtesy of I.

I wanted the next post to be a completion of the harbor but I'm rather stunted on two particular lots around the new docks building.

On the bright side, I now have the chemical supply warehouse you'll have to steal meth ingredients from.


Moving onto completing Willowfield now.

Just got back from the future where Siba's GTA server is amazing and through an amazing twist of events defeats and destroys CIA.

Having server issues that seem to be in direct response to the most recent Blockland update as I cannot find anything else that may be causing it.

(and thanks for the bumps)

Willowfield is making some decent progress.

Also, project progression from the very first screenshot I took of the houses for what is now grove street is 2 months, 2 days; or in other words, this project has only been active for 2 months and 2 days.

Just lost a stuffload of progress thanks to the ghosting system in Blockland and the way clients of even their own dedicated servers must ghost every brick to save every one of them.

Anyone happen to have a save of the build with the completed harbor?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 10:39:20 PM by siba² »

you could always look for previous versions in the files properties. that's always worked for me

you could always look for previous versions in the files properties. that's always worked for me
Windows file history had to have been configured beforehand already, though. And to top that off, that system is usually pretty hit-or-miss for most people. It just doesn't work as advertised.