Author Topic: "Block Trek" Star Trek Megathread - Toy Enterprise Model  (Read 66221 times)

i like planes

 looks nice so far

Holy stuff these are amazing

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I have now made available the download links to the ship save files, as well as the brickpacks required for them to work at the basic level. You will still need other addons that I haven't posted yet for everything to function as intended (eg. soundpacks, colorsets, events, door packs, and more), but at least for now you can experience the ships themselves on your own server without missing bricks (save for doors and switches).

Also, I'd like to give a shout-out to NASA Boy 3000 who is currently building the Constitution Refit Enterprise from Star Trek The Motion Picture at 2/3 scale and 3.25 studs per meter! He's done an awesome job so far, and I must say I think he is a building genius.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 03:06:02 AM by Planr »

Star Trek Voyager Elite Force music loops are out now. If you download the 3 music packs I have made available in the OP, your loading times when joining my server will be drastically reduced, and you can enjoy greater Trek immersion thanks to being able to hear the music.

Well I just had a very unpleasant experience with the "updated" wedges that General made with Tophius's old Wedge pack. Not only do they break my ship save files by about 1,000 messed up wedge bricks, but they also have very poor hitboxing for projectile detection, as well as collision meshes.

Especially the 3x3F wedge. You hammer it on one solid corner of the brick and your hammer hit phases right through it and destroys stuff behind it. You hammer another corner where there is no brick, and the brick gets destroyed. General rotated the model for the 3x3f wedge but didn't rotate the hitbox, so it's completely screwed up (Oh, and you're gonna have to go and replace every single 3x3 wedge on your ship one-by-one manually, there's no way around this). This is a very important brick as it is used on the Kane's saucer plating on top to help create a circular feel, as well as being used throughout the interior of all three of my ships.

Though the updated version by General may add new wedge bricks, the pack overall is generally inferior in quality to the older version that Tophius alone made. I don't know what General was thinking when he screwed with the already existing wedges (which were perfectly fine as they were), and broke their compatibility with saves using Tophius's wedges.

Basically this post is 50/50 a PSA and a warning.
PSA. Use the old wedge pack. The "updated" wedge pack General made with Tophius's old pack screws stuff up big time, but the original wedges Tophius made are completely stable and have better hitboxes and collision.
Warning. Do not try to use the ship builds with the "new" wedge packs. They will break and there will be many bricks missing. Download the old wedges HERE, or download the updated .zip file in OP for the brickpacks I use.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 02:43:33 AM by Planr »

« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 04:25:48 PM by Planr »

Not much build-related news to share today as I am short on time, but I do have exciting news about a new change!

Lately I have recieved several complaints from my server guests about how disorganized and cluttered the colorset I have been using is. And sadly they're right - It's a very old colorset I made about 4 1/2 years ago. It was my own personal edit of Stanton's colorset. And sadly it has not withstood the test of time.

However, thanks to BlackParrot's new colorset maker here, I was able to now completely revamp the old colorset. Now, we have a greatly improved and much better organized colorset to build with at Block Trek!

Most of the same colors from the old colorset I was using have remained, but they've been moved around and touched up a bit, with some new ones replacing some very unused colors! See for yourself!

I have now uploaded some more of the Block Trek mods to the OP. Go check em out!

The other day, I got a really cool screenshot of a "cutaway view" I made in the engineering hull by blasting it open with the KzR!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 05:43:44 PM by Planr »

there are no good star trek games but Voyager: Elite Force which is fantastic. i really loved how 'real' it felt. because while it did have a linear plot you could change a lot of things, like saving someone or letting them die. an especially good memory was when someone was running from an explosion, and i was told to raise a shield. if i raised it before they got to us, they would be trapped and die with the explosion. if i waited too long, we would all die. i managed to turn it on right after he jumped past. you can also attack any member of the crew at any time--but expect the rest to fight you. you can kill them though, if you are fast enough. if you are caught you will get stunned and imprisoned on the bridge, basically a fancy game over. it's super cool. i also like how characters wont wait on you. i remember some guy being like 'come on officer, let's go.' 'officer, are you coming?' 'officer, i'm not going to wait any longer!' and then he ran off without me. it was really cool at the time. 10/10

there are no good star trek games but Voyager: Elite Force which is fantastic.
I 100% agree that Elite Force is a great Star Trek game, but have you ever played Star Trek Bridge Commander? It's an incredible game as well, and it's gotten some pretty cool mods for it.

But yeah, Elite Force was a fantastic game. I personally never thought of it as "looking real" when I played it (although if you compare it to other games from its time, such as Deus Ex, Elite Force clearly had amazing graphics for the time in which it came out).

i didnt say it looked real. i said it felt real.

i didnt say it looked real. i said it felt real.
Oh, my bad. But yeah, EF was a great game. Did you ever get the expansion pack for it? It added some pretty cool new stuff to the game.

Kane class Cruiser - Alpha Pictures #8

Ladies and Redshirts, today is a historic day. The Kane Class has made one giant leap forward in it's construction. The ship's neck has been built and the Engineering hull and Saucer section HAVE FINALLY BEEN CONNECTED! Now the ship is finally being built in one piece! And a lot of work has been done on decks 2-5. These 4 decks are 95% done now.

Here's a far-away view of the ship's new joined form! It will have two gigantic 350-stud long nacelles swooping down below the saucer when the ship is finished.

Here is a cool mockup picture of the ship firing its classic-style TOS blue Andorian phasers!

Another thing I recently built in the past three weeks is the ship's network of Jeffries Tube shafts in the back of Deck 4. These Jeffries Tubes run underneath the Shuttlebay hangar deck. In them, you can access various other locations on the ship in the event of a turbolift failure.

The Jeffries Tubes are also the way to access a few ship systems for repairs. Here, the Aft Phaser Relays can be accessed and repaired from inside the Jeffries Tube. Another system here is the power relays for the shuttlebay doors.

One of my favorite new rooms in the ship is the Deuterium Storage Bay on Decks 4-5. This is the rival to the Antimatter Containment Facility on Deck 2, as the Deuterium (Matter) is collided with the Antimatter to provide the ship with an immense supply of power for weapons, shields, and interstellar travel.

Part of my objective when building the Deuterium Bay was to give it a similar flair as the "Beer Factory" engineering sets for the JJ-prise. I found this to be a perfect room for that. This room is definitely one of the most industrial-feeling areas of the ship. Oh and yes it's a little cramped in here, but it's no big deal; there's plenty of nooks and crannys through which to get around.

Cargo Bays 3 and 4 have been fully renovated and repaired, and they're looking better than ever!

These two Cargo Bays also have walkways on the sides! They're cool and nifty for getting around.

For the final screenshot today, this is a newly renovated corridor on Deck 4 in the forward section, right outside Transporter Room 2.

Adíos for now!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 03:49:53 AM by Planr »

That thing is forgetin sick

would a borg cube be possible

would a borg cube be possible
It's definitely something buildable, as it's pretty much all squares and non-curvy shapes. However, I have no plans for building any TNG-era ships.

Furthermore, a Borg Cube is 1-4 km in diameter, and even at 2/3 scale that is simply such a massive ship that it's not worth building except at a very miniaturized scale.

If a Borg Cube is going to happen, someone else is gonna have to make it. I personally do not feel that it's worth building such a vessel.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 12:29:57 PM by Planr »