
UNITED NATIONS: Send UN investigators to Japan to investigate evidence of weaponized chemical/biological agents


Author Topic: CypherX's Nation RP: Earth 1990 - Y2K, AGAIN? [1999]  (Read 40699 times)

uk falls on its face or something, dunno.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 05:20:08 PM by Zharthon »

actually its the fuhrer of the uk irl

>constitutional monarchy
>united kingdom

what happened to being prime minister

that being said i don't know much about how the uk works in regards to government so yeah, i will make some mistakes.

you could just google it

The United States wants to start negotiating a treaty with Russia that will eliminate chemical and biological weapon stocks. India is invited.

The U.S. also wants a peace settlement in Croatia, otherwise, the U.S. might be pressed to intervene by establishing a no-fly zone over the conflict area.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 07:50:01 PM by Operator¹ »

Details leak of a massive genocide in Rwanda on the Tutsi minority.

not ok

south africa puts forward a vote to fellow APPA nations - intervene against the rwandan government in response to their ethnic cleansing?

not ok

south africa puts forward a vote to fellow APPA nations - intervene against the rwandan government in response to their ethnic cleansing?
they agree and hand total military control to SA. most contribute some military forces or funds

military transportation access requested in tanzania

the U.S. offers to assist in the construction of wind turbine fields in APPA nations.

NASA receives an F-15 and F-16 for modifications and testing.

The U.S. wants to collaborate with Germany and France on the development of nuclear fusion.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 07:56:35 PM by Operator¹ »

military transportation access requested in tanzania

the U.S. offers to assist in the construction of wind turbine fields in APPA nations.
they agree
The U.S. wants to collaborate with Germany and France on the development of nuclear fusion.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 08:03:49 PM by CypherX »

APPA declares war on rwanda

immediate unconditional surrender is requested as large volumes of infantry, armor, and mechanized infantry are flown and driven to the rwanda-tanzania border

any combat aircraft that otherwise lack the range to make a round trip from their home nation to rwanda and back are relocated to a closer airfield

SA customs union embargoes rwanda

a speech is held in johannesberg

long speech short, it focused on the fact that rwanda's actions are unforgivable and the nation requires a new government
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 08:45:36 PM by Juncoph »

why tf is yugoslavia in CSTO

austria wants to have discussions with hungary requesting a promise to help each other in the case Y2K does occur