Author Topic: Essence  (Read 1220 times)

I've been blown away by the creativity and beauty of this game...
This should be called interactive art rather than a video game O_O"

I didn't exactly understand the goal of this game but it sounds like a relaxing puzzle game similar to Myst.

What do you guys think? :D

well this seems pretentious

the idea of it being 'interactive art' instead of a mere video game doesn't help

well this seems pretentious

the idea of it being 'interactive art' instead of a mere video game doesn't help
Im having trouble understanding what you mean exactly. Are you saying that they are trying to over achieve being "Creative"?
If that's what you're saying then I don't see the issue on being creative.
Also excuse my English.

a surreal exploration game about wandering around looking at pretty stuff does not sound like a 'game'

it does not sound like it has interesting mechanics that i have to learn and properly apply to challenges and puzzles that require forethought and deliberation

it sounds like an art gallery that is describing itself as Unique and Creative with a token first person wandering 'mechanic' that praises itself and demeans other games without competing on an even remotely similar playing field and is trying to appeal to the kind of person who thinks that playing 'smart' or 'artistic' video games will make them 'smarter' or 'more artistic'
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 03:17:31 AM by Bushido »

"you don't know anything, wander around for who knows what reason. you still don't know anything, but it sure did look pretty. the end."

a surreal exploration game about wandering around looking at pretty stuff does not sound like a 'game'

it does not sound like it has interesting mechanics that i have to learn and properly apply to challenges and puzzles that require forethought and deliberation

it sounds like an art gallery that is describing itself as Unique and Creative and a bunch of other buzzwords to demean other video games based on grounds that are not the focus of
Ah, I understand now. I suppose people have different perceptions of what is and is not a game. Usually when I hear the word game I tend to think of 'competition'.
However I'd consider things such as these as games. A few notable similar titles to Essence would be the entire Myst series, Gone Home, Life is Strange, NaissanceE, Kairo, Dear Esther, Mind: Path to Thalamus, Obduction, and Proteus

Would you consider some of these similar titles as games or not?
(I am not challenging you, I am just curious of if you would or not.)

Except that Myst has actual gameplay (puzzles) to it and should never be compared to a game like this. This game is literally just walking around looking at things.

the kickstarter even sounds like a trite 'artsy' bullstuff thing

you're an omnipotent god who has to solve 'riddles' throughout the world by triggering pre-baked animations by pressing the right button when you're in the right area and you have to deal with your Emotions (represented as a physical tangible object) which will either harass you (as mandated by the plot) or guide you (again, as mandated by the plot) through this mysterious world that you have the power to create or destroy that has no semblance of gravitas or symbolism besides what is brute forced into your head

here's a hypothetical situation. you're wandering around and you find that there's a big empty void here and its swallowing up all the ground around it. what could it mean? could it represent something that is typically represented as a big empty void that swallows up everything surrounding it, such as the futility of existence or possibly the effects of clinical depression? would you like to make a guess? ok, you've made your guess. it literally does not matter at all because the game will never refer back to it or use its tools to do anything beyond straight-up tell you something like 'this is depression. this is how the depression feels. are you depressed? does depression feel like this? you are depressed now.' and give you an utterly manufactured feeling of success having 'discovered' what this 'deep and creative' game is trying to tell you because the game told you what you were discovering

that is how this game seems to work

earthbound was more creative and interesting then this in the 5 minutes you spent in ness' magicant

Ah, I understand now. I suppose people have different perceptions of what is and is not a game. Usually when I hear the word game I tend to think of 'competition'.
However I'd consider things such as these as games. A few notable similar titles to Essence would be the entire Myst series, Gone Home, Life is Strange, NaissanceE, Kairo, Dear Esther, Mind: Path to Thalamus, Obduction, and Proteus

Would you consider some of these similar titles as games or not?
(I am not challenging you, I am just curious of if you would or not.)

gone home and dear esther are literally the archetypical bullstuff artsy walking simulators and don't even have puzzles, just things to listen to and potentially scare yourself with
life is strange is the definition of 'bullstuff and artsy' but is actually an adventure game with puzzles and mechanics so no its not that similar
myst is also an adventure game with puzzles and mechanics which i do not expect essence to have
proteus is an art game that deliberately attempts to get the player to enter with a very vague understanding of what theyre getting into and does not spend its time doing things like describing Mind Keepers and Spirits and Essence and Emotion because it knows that the player will find their own meaning in the visuals it represents and is very much unpretentious about what it does
kairo is a game purely about exploration and does not deal in fancy frills and art student flourishes and actually if anything borders on surreal horror

most of these games are similar but only half of them are 'games' in the sense that you actually play them and interact with objects on a substantial level as opposed to just wandering around abstract landscapes until you find the thing you have to do to progress

Except that Myst has actual gameplay (puzzles) to it and should never be compared to a game like this. This game is literally just walking around looking at things.
"Literally just walking around"

If you are going to use the word "Literal" then I suppose I will too.
Then you literally didn't read the description of the title too well.

Reshape the world

Just as the colors of the worlds evolve with you exploring them, also the shape might change. Trees will grow, mountains will slowly raise out of the ground, gates will open, rivers start flowing and your whole surrounding will react to your existence.

Solve the myths

Besides the changing worlds every main world also contains a main riddle that has a very unique twist on the game, as these riddles play with color, light, gravitation, vision and much more.

Face your emotions

While the world changes, you will be facing your emotions which appear in a human like form. Those emotions can be friendly and will help you to reshape the worlds. However, some of them will also have a fearful, aggressive or destructive nature. Together your emotions form a very unique gameplay mechanic that brings a whole new experience to the game.

Collect the fragments

In every world you will be able to find scattered fragments of artifacts that will only recompose back to their real form through your interaction or your sheer appearance. But be warned some elements of the world might also decompose into fragments if you come too close, revealing new ways or making the way you wanted it to be disappear.

Thanks for answering my question with great detail.
I don't have much to say in response as I've already stated my opinion. I suppose I don't care as much if it's pretentious and its restrictions on my imagination of the game.
I still appreciate the visual creativity.

i don't even mind that it doesn't have any meaningful gameplay
this looks really pleasing to the eyes and i'd play it anyway just to stare at it

whats with these stuff games devs think that look like "art"

The problem with art games is that they focus too much on the art to make the experience engaging enough to be worth it. Myst was engaging because the puzzles were fun and inventive while the game was nice to look at.

belongs on an episode of ''kickstarter crap''

see i like interactive art so this looks pretty beautiful to me