Author Topic: [BLC] Blockland Classics - Block Wars 10th Anniversary!  (Read 122708 times)

[Blockland Name and ID] Ze Operator - 32660
[Position(s) your applying for] Voice Actor, maybe player acting, modding or eventing.
[Reasons why you are capable] I tend to be sporadic with film ideas or otherwise, and I can work well with other actors.
[Examples of your work in the area (urls, images, gallery posts, etc)] Due to my occasionally life, I barely have any work at all. Mostly scrapped GMOD projects that didn't cut it. But now, I feel like I can manage it, as YouTube was my only TV at the time.
I am, ATM, planning on creating a film trailer project for my class that should be released within a few weeks.
[Your BLCForums Username so I can approve you against the spambots] Ze Operator. -_-'

Depending on the days, I may or may not be able to be a full-time member. Since Voice Acting is probably the only reliable thing that I can work with, I'll stick with that unless I can manage more, or if you guys need help.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 03:55:23 PM by DataProxy »

Cannot accept Data Proxy without proof

I am, ATM, planning on creating a film trailer project for my class that should be released within a few weeks.

That will be my proof.

You will have to wait until then

Can anyone recommend me a good recording/editing software?

Can anyone recommend me a good recording/editing software?
Open broadcaster and Sony vegas

can i be a background character

sony vegas costs money :C

Adobe Premiere Pro, you can get a free trial.

torrent that stuff
no wtf thats ILL-EAGLE #goodkid #don'tdodrugs
« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 03:32:36 PM by Bester Bageler »

Can anyone recommend me a good recording/editing software?
open broadcast software for recording
shotcut for editing

torrent is stuff lol

having used both premiere and vegas before, premiere is much faster (exporting, opening, editing, importing) and more reliable and has more features overall than vegas. however, the basic skills you develop with either one can be transferred to the other since the layouts are pretty similar.

how you get it is up to you. i'd advise CS6 or before since you'd actually *cough* own the software, versus CC which is subscription and thus requires regular payments. Though its possible to get a... "fixed" version, i've heard, but its likely more hassle.