Author Topic: [Traffic Light Events]  (Read 1649 times)

Hey guys, Invalid Key here. I could really use someones help here, I'm making a intersection complete with traffic lights (no ped signals) with the colors red, yellow, and green. However, I don't know how to event them, can someone help me out? With realistic timing aswell so they don't change so fast?

Some might do "BOTH LIGHTS RED" NO! I need 1 side green, one side red. Then before the other side turns green yellow appears, then that light turns red and the other is green just like real life. Thank you for who ever can help!

Please list me the events in the forum's reply that will be very helpful.

Have 6 named bricks: Red1, Red2, Yellow1, Yellow2, Green1, Green2

Then put 4 bricks on each other
Top brick events:
  • OnActivate > Self > Firerelay
  • [20000] OnRelay > Self > FireRelay
  • OnRelay > Red1 > set light Red
  • [0] OnRelay > Red2 > set light none
  • OnRelay > Green2 > set light Green
  • [7000] OnRelay > Self > FireRelayDown

    Brick under top events:
  • OnRelay > Green2 > set light None
  • [0] OnRelay > Yellow2 > set light Yellow
    [3000] OnRelay > Yellow2 > set light none
    [3000] OnRelay > Self > FireRelayDown

    Brick under under top events:
  • OnRelay > Red1 > set light none
  • [0] OnRelay > Red2 > set light Red
  • OnRelay > Green1 > set light Green
  • [7000] OnRelay > Self > FireRelayDown

    Brick bottom events:
  • OnRelay > Green1 > set light None
  • [0] OnRelay > Yellow1 > set light Yellow
    [3000] OnRelay > Yellow1 > set light none

    Then just click the top brick

I cannot simply do that, I already have traffic lights placed all around the map, give me it without firing down. Like a control center brick.

that's what he did

the 4 bricks are separate from the lights, somewhere hidden in the map or w/e

Just get a named brick for every intersection then do the same events except have the fireRelayX. Or have named bricks for leftright and one for updown then do the events there.

What? Since when do traffic lights go Red->Green? I've only seen Red->RedYellow->Green and Red->Yellow->Green.

What? Since when do traffic lights go Red->Green? I've only seen Red->RedYellow->Green and Red->Yellow->Green.
i've never ever in my life seen yellow after a red light
why do you need to be warned to go?  you need to be warned to slow down not go

What? Since when do traffic lights go Red->Green? I've only seen Red->RedYellow->Green and Red->Yellow->Green.
To me they go like this:

(Speed not irl)

i've never ever in my life seen yellow after a red light
why do you need to be warned to go?  you need to be warned to slow down not go

In England we have it go:
Red + Amber

Amber meaning - "get ur stuff together, it's about 2 get real"
And it doesn't last long at all; normally about 2 seconds and then it'll turn to green.

In England we have it go:
Red + Amber

Amber meaning - "get ur stuff together, it's about 2 get real"
And it doesn't last long at all; normally about 2 seconds and then it'll turn to green.
That's so cool. It's like a "start your enngginnneeesss" thing.