
How is Kindred's current state?

op nerf plz
9 (29%)
too weak, easy kill
6 (19.4%)
pretty decent
16 (51.6%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: (WIP) League of Legends - New Thread - Patch 5.20 (Kindred Release) 10/13/2015  (Read 33794 times)

lmao flush
tsm hauntzer, tsm rush, tsm bjerg, tsm double, tsm adrian dream team
Nah nah nah, man.  Impact > Hauntzer, Bunny/Piccaboo > Adrian

TSM Rush, TSM Impact, TSM Double, TSM Bjerg, and TSM Piccaboo or Bunny. Also, WHO EVEN SAW DOUBLE GOING TO TSM? Thats so forgeted that CLG dropped him. I mean, I guess there has been a lot of tension, but he didnt do too bad this split.

weaboos behold once more

(click for full image)

>satsuki as vi
>senketsu as nasus
>suzaku as jayce
>eren as olaf
>oz as nid
>bulat as swain
>akame as katarina
>pikachu as teemo
also unconfirmed, mime as trist
and speculated Ryuuko, Kallen, and Holo as ahri

also some of these may or may not be fake but believe

previous post
weebs of BL, time to kick it into overtime
Koyasu Takehito as Twisted Fate:
  • Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre adventure)
  • Claude (Nisekoi)
  • Doujima (Shoukugeki no Soma)
Sugita Tomokazu as Yasuo:
  • Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre adventure)
  • Karasuma (Assassination Classroom)
  • Kanzaki (Beelzebub)
  • Hidenori (Daily lives of Highschool boys)
  • Gintoki (Gintama)
Hanae Natsuki as Ziggs:
  • Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul)
  • Kuromine Asahi (Jitsu wa Watashi wa)
Yuuki Aoi as Lulu:
  • Madoka (Madoka Magica)
  • Fremy Speeddrawn (Rokka no Yuusha)
Kugimiya Rie as Annie:
  • Taiga (Toradora)
  • Louise (Familiar of Zero)
  • Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
Otani Ikue as Teemo

Fujiwara Keiji as Master Yi (and briefly garen)

Uesaka Sumire as Jinx

keep in mind these are just the series/actor(actresses) I from series know/seen, and it's to make a point there's a hell of a lineup here.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2015, 10:34:37 PM by Alphadin »

did my placements on my smurf, got silver III.


> kurapika as shyvanna

Interesting. Voice of Leorio is voicing somebody as well, forgot who. I wonder if Gon / Killua will be in there somewhere.

Also I vote voice of Hisoka as Shaco.

>shinpachi as corki


« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 06:52:53 PM by Shadowed999 »


Does anyone else think the new champ select looks dumb?

Does anyone else think the new champ select looks dumb?
it's a bit weird, but not dumb
i rather not have the same stuff for years to come
any and all change is welcome, especially in mobas

If anyone else has a PBE account, add TSM Mata

new draft is super cool, had like a million dodgers before i got in to game lol

maybe people just want to see draft without playing

yess, now we can play with as many people as we want in ranked :)