
How is Kindred's current state?

op nerf plz
9 (29%)
too weak, easy kill
6 (19.4%)
pretty decent
16 (51.6%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: (WIP) League of Legends - New Thread - Patch 5.20 (Kindred Release) 10/13/2015  (Read 33793 times)

sniped a penta steal from ad lux on my team lol

Sions. If you ever have the chance, line up in mid and all rev up with laugh spam, then ult down lane until you hit someone.
the cc from Q lasts longer than the charge-up necessary to land the knockup/stun. If you have two sions in one spot, one can ult, q, next can q, and if necessary ult. like 6 or 8 seconds of cc or something stupid like that.
Also, with three people or more attacking a turret, the amount of noise is hilarious.

The maokai cc chains. dear lord

played heimer and we all went mid and just pushed got inhib at like 10 minutes

played heimer and we all went mid and just pushed got inhib at like 10 minutes
>heimers are all level 3
>enemies are level 6
beat the stuff out of heimers as kindred that game they pulled that gimmick off
it's a fun strategy sure, but rarely will you win if the enemy team is competent

ofa is so much better now that's it's not on howling abyss

ofa is so much better now that's it's not on howling abyss
i disagree

Idk, I find Howling Abyss to be extremely boring. Atleast you can make some funny plays on SR. Prior to Teemo being disabled, the 5 of us grouped mid and sat there waiting for the poor sap on the enemy team that called mid. Also, Howling Abyss is boring.

ALSO, 5 Nidalees is pretty strong, as well as 5 Whores on Boars.

double post bc bump

how many points do you guys have in pickem currently?
im at 50