
How is Kindred's current state?

op nerf plz
9 (29%)
too weak, easy kill
6 (19.4%)
pretty decent
16 (51.6%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: (WIP) League of Legends - New Thread - Patch 5.20 (Kindred Release) 10/13/2015  (Read 33734 times)

3v5 in ranked :(

im gonna have to take a break after that game

I wonder how the KOO Tiger's skins will look like if they win.

I anything I'm expecting cat ears, fanservice, and a winning team comp consisting of only female champions.

I wonder how the KOO Tiger's skins will look like if they win.

I anything I'm expecting cat ears, fanservice, and a winning team comp consisting of only female champions.
guess we'll never know since they won't win
« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 03:51:50 PM by Xealyth »

Holystuff man. I've been playing with these Gold - Diamond guys and everything is so next level(for me). Everyone is damn aggressive and unforgiving. Also, i've finally experienced double jungle and taking a camp as botlane duo. Seems pretty cool(to me), makes me wanna climb more. Also, Riven is fun as hell and Mantheon is my new go-to champ.

You're taking it way too seriously, friend. If you're sensitive to this type of stuff, just turn off chat. I don't condone people being jerks, but they're not gonna change their ways over the course of 40 minute game, so better to block it out if it bothers you. Idk, I guess since i've played a fair bit of jungle AND support, i'm used to people throwing fits because they lost lane or some dumbstuff like that. It's actually kind of funny/sad to see, if you think about it. IT's actually pretty damn hilarious when you get a LAN or CH smurf that insults you via googletranslate. I'm still gonna say Gj and give important info, but you're damn right im reporting them at the end of the game, even if we win. Just focus on yourself and having fun, report people if needed. If you can't have fun from just playing the game or the competitive aspect, then theres no point in wasting your own time. Also, you still haven't added me and that hurts my soul m8
Why are people playing ranked in the first place?
competition and ladder points(the game itself as well, obviously)

Thats what makes fun for me atleast. Idk, I take it serious to a certain point,  its just a game at the end of the day. If my teammate and/or I forget up, im just gonna spam my TSM flair and see what could be done better. If someone tells me to go die, i'm spamming my TSM flair. If someone says "goodstuff", def spamming the TSM flair. Nothing to stress over. You just have to have fun with it, as long you aren't deliberately putting your team at a disadvantage or throwing. You may not want to spam your icon or taunts as much as I do, because i've actually been reported for "Negativity". I was just spamming my flair everytime I missed a hook on Thresh, but some people get offended over these things.

guess we'll never know since they won't win
At this point, they could very well win. They have a better chance against SKT than the rest at least. Either way, the chances of getting a Riven skin from either team winning are high.

Edit: Holyforget thats a lot of text, but if you guys want free RP, try Bing Rewards (if you havent already).

guess we'll never know since they won't win

My mind tells me they won't, but my snake hopes for the Tigers.

Need to get 2 challenger so i can tryout for tsm

should i buy elise, zac, or darius?

elise and zac are both fun



marksman reworks and preseason stuff woooooooooooooooooooooooo

tl;dr of what i've seen so far is that they're removing mana pots, making health pots more expensive, changing the mastery system to allow for different playstyles, removing stealth wards from the shop, changing trinkets, adding new starting items, adding new adc items, new topside objective


looks like season 6 is gonna be fun
Edit: I'm going back to muting everyone in the game, I get teamed up with too many toxic stuffheads.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 07:16:42 PM by Deus Ex »