
How is Kindred's current state?

op nerf plz
9 (29%)
too weak, easy kill
6 (19.4%)
pretty decent
16 (51.6%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: (WIP) League of Legends - New Thread - Patch 5.20 (Kindred Release) 10/13/2015  (Read 33726 times)

i dont like change
trying to play this game is giving me anxiety

Essence Reaver and his ult changes make Lucian ridiculously OP now holy stuff

Quinn feels so stuffty to play now

Ezreal feels reeaallly strong a lot earlier than usual now and feels even better later. Manamune, Trinity, and Reaver op

i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't like these changes. probably not gonna play that much anymore

Out of the 5 or so games I have played (which were all losses), none of them have been any fun at all. Every single game felt like a stomp and it makes the game almost impossible to have fun with.

Out of the 5 or so games I have played (which were all losses), none of them have been any fun at all. Every single game felt like a stomp and it makes the game almost impossible to have fun with.
Yeah in the few games I've played so far either my team or the enemy team has completely taken over

Pretty odd and drastic changes for a meta that actually was balanced.

graves is fun now
unfortunately xerath is even worse then before now

Man I don't know how I want to build Fizz anymore. Deathfire touch seems like a natural option. But that extra 5% cdr oh my. 45% cdr means like 4 secs on e and 35 on ult. Honestly Thunderlord's decree isn't that bad for Fizz. Maybe you should go for an Athenes instead of a nomicon seeing all that ability spam will drain your mana in a long fight. idk

You could also stack DOT from multiple sources if you go with Deathfire touch.

Should I go cdr boots or rely on blue buff instead. When is the right time for lich bane. Or should I go for the 20% cdr item first. man..

What's been working for you guys on lee sin mastery wise?

What's been working for you guys on lee sin mastery wise?

This is what I use