Author Topic: My Little Pony is too edgy for SU fans and Social Justice Wankers  (Read 4192 times)

we should bring back samurai jack
samurai jack was the bomb diggity

this is pretty loving hilarious

There's so many more important things going on in the world and people focus on what gender a fictional character identifies as, what clothes they wear or what loveual interest they have.

the steven universe fandom is worse than weeaboos

i've become pissed to the point of not even caring anymore

the rage just slowly falls out of my ass and goes to something more important

Alright, I am going to be truthfully honest right now.

SU fans are worse than bronies.

real talk while we're at it

99% of fandoms suck, which is why i dont care or waste my energy trying to tell a buncha 13 year olds to stop doing something that they enjoy. but man, weeaboos are god damn horrendous. they eat up the same moe fanservice stuff that creates a vicious cycle of bad anime dominating the industry, all while getting more and more desensitized to all the gross special interest pandering like child enthusiasm and incest. then they go around like its a normal thing to to watch anime for 24 hours straight, or those people that are like "im an otaku lol!" even though in japan, the country they worship, 'otakus' and their lifestyles are viewed as a damn plague to society. kids get drawn into this stuff early unfortunately, which i'll talk about in my next paragraph.

it's funny and trendy to yell at steven universe fans for being le sjws, but really they're usually just impressionable 13-15 year olds (pretty much the target audience for cartoons nowadays!) picking up buzzwords and political ideas they dont understand from social media websites. they dont understand that they arent looking at things rationally, or in the way they personally think is correct, because if they tried they would be fearful that another 13-15 year old would bully them for not sticking strictly to the status quo /they/ think is correct. this isn't limited to tumblr either, in fact a horseshoe effect is taking place here. there's a whole lot of 13 year olds playing blockland and joining these forums because the game is attractive to younger kids, and they soon learn that adapting the ideals of this website is easier than getting bullied for not accepting them, or acting in a way that is deemed inappropriate by other people in the same way tumblr does it. in case you haven't noticed, there's a lot of kids mimicking the cynical and cruel behaviors on this website without fully understanding what they're doing. so what i ask is that you please just calm down and think about your behavior on the internet.

i hope at least enough of that made sense to get the point across.

Since when has any Tumblr user been an accurate representation of a entire fandom?

Since when has any Tumblr user been an accurate representation of a entire fandom?
yeah this also

honestly if you like any tv show you're probably a tumblr user just sayin

Since when has any Tumblr user been an accurate representation of a entire fandom?
ever since they all started using it as a hugbox

ever since they all started using it as a hugbox
im gonna have to redirect you to the stuff i just got done writing about, just above you

honestly if you like any tv show you're probably a tumblr user just sayin
that's a good assumption that makes sense