Author Topic: Computer being gay, once again, once again, once again.  (Read 936 times)

You have it good,Mines short circuited and the fuse is fried  :panda:

You have it good,Mines short circuited and the fuse is fried  :panda:

You should accept your computer for who it is, and if it's attracted to same-love computer, it's okay

the fuse man doesnt every computer have a fuse that you can light and asplode it with>>>???

the fuse man doesnt every computer have a fuse that you can light and asplode it with>>>???

I dont hear any strange noises from my laptop. Its very silent, usually.

Fml if the hardware is damaged.Lol
Its funny because I should have one and there seem to be a problem with it every day.
Like 2 days ago my audio got completely forgeted up and had to system restore.
A day ago audio mix suddenly decided to make wierd alien noises.
Well, its a cheap bran wich is known to die p fast.
What brand?

What brand?

I can probably blow the dust (insert lenny face) and hope for the best. I can also go to the computer store and let it get fixed  and return with it being more broken and a stuffton of stupid stuff installed.

The last time I did that my old laptop broke. The fan was broken, me even more stupid than I was had no idea what was causing it. Turns out thede was a stuffton of dust in it. Anyways I got it back after a while and they broke my whole wireless adapter thing and I could barely get a good signal. I was loving frustrated stuff wasnt working I broke the thing.
'T was an old piece of stuff anyways

Bare with the typos please

I did some stuff with my nvidia driver explained here
^ just if anyone in the future gets the same problem.
Im not sure if its fixed but it probably is since I usually get 20 messages about my display driver being "recovered" on startup and this time I didn't.
Anyways I'm locking this since I think it's fixed.
Thanks for anyone that tried to help me :^)