Author Topic: human patch notes v2  (Read 4777 times)


replaced cyborgs with squids
replaced squids with cyborg squids and artificial octopi

- replaced earth's sun w/ giant space raincloud


add a giant abstract alien-looking structure nearby in space so humans will freak out about it

Fixed a bug that allows updates to be submitted

v23: fail banned due to recent v22 update

v23: removed a bug where the player cannot apply "respect opinion" option in certain situations

V24 scrapped the whole project.
Rebooting to V1.1

successfuly rebooted to V1.1

eliminated the usage of "um, what"

-human body sizes are increased by x2 (to reach those shelves y'know),
-fixed "what are those" glitch

- human body size reduced back to 1x due to problems with existing infrastructure
- human arm length and leg length globally increased by 0.2x to compensate (total of 1.2x original)
- removed appendix

added integrated wrist watch

-fixed "deez nuts" bug
-deleted deviantart and vine from website database

v3 deleted all humands and replaced them with cyborg dogs

v3.1 preview

- fixed fear of heights and reduced falldamage
- psychopath glitch has been removed
- more to come