Author Topic: Bot_Zombie_Tank and Sound_GMZombie Ported from Left 4 Block [Update 19/10/15]  (Read 6999 times)

This is the old Tank from gamemode_Zombie (Also known as Left 4 Block) by Rotondo turned into a bot hole and also a playertype. 1500 HP, takes no knockback, and a lack of a standard player animations. As you'd expect it does quite a bit of damage in comparison with the default zombie and even has a slightly larger range. The damage can of course be modified with the default bot events, as well as the health. He makes no death or pain sounds, and emits no pain emitters, as he doesn't have time to react to pain.
Also so you can event your own with Onbotdamaged and onbotdeath.
Speaking of...

A nice little bonus. These are sounds from Gamemode_Zombie, and feature the Tank's bellowing and grunting, the witches's crying and anger at being disturbed, and the sounds that were not directly ported from L4D, which were made with a acoustic guitar and a keyboard, presumably played by Rotondo? Hm. Anyway, these had some real problems with their noise levels. I have attempted to turn down the noise on these sounds, so they sound slightly better.
Code: (Sound list) [Select]
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 08:55:42 PM by Megaguy2 »

Finally. Do witch next pls.

Finally. Do witch next pls.
I'd love to but I'm really no coder. I just know how to rename stuff and change variables, which isn't really anything worth talking about... You can event the witch fairly easily, actually. I might make a gallery topic with some sample bot holes as duplication files at some point in the future. Look out for that, I guess?

no knockback,
why? I liked the knockback, made him more of a threat in certain places and was true to l4d
He makes no death or pain sounds, and emits no pain emitters, as he doesn't have time to react to pain.
lame :(
does this include his yell?
as he doesn't have time to react to pain.
explain pls

thanks for the sounds tho

why? I liked the knockback, made him more of a threat in certain places and was true to l4d
thanks for the sounds tho
When I say knockback I mean he takes no knockback. Sorry, Could've made that clearer I guess. You can pretty easily event him knocking you back with OnBotDamage or OnBotTouched.

I didn't want him to make his sounds because if people wanted to change his death sound into something not ripped from L4D with events, his sound would play over them. You can event his death sounds back with OnBotDeath, and make him make his idle sounds with events, too.
explain pls
That's just me being a moron. :cookieMonster:
I can actually include his pain emitters but if I remember correctly the tank never spawned any anyway.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 05:26:14 PM by Megaguy2 »

When I say knockback I mean he takes no knockback. Sorry, Could've made that clearer I guess. You can pretty easily event him knocking you back with OnBotDamage or OnBotTouched.

I didn't want him to make his sounds because if people wanted to change his death sound into something not ripped from L4D with events, his sound would play over them. You can event his death sounds back with OnBotDeath, and make him make his idle sounds with events, too. That's just me being a moron. :cookieMonster:
I can actually include his pain emitters but if I remember correctly the tank never spawned any anyway.
i can see why you did all this, so that people could customize, but I like it when my bots have minimal events so that when i do /resetbots i dont get that "Too many events at once!" message.

i can see why you did all this, so that people could customize, but I like it when my bots have minimal events so that when i do /resetbots i dont get that "Too many events at once!" message.
Fair enough! Try putting your events on a delay and raise your schedules in server settings.
Why create in code if you can event and personalise? I feel like that's what the default bot events are good at, so I wanted to allow for that, especially as the tank zombie can't be recoloured or have his appearance change at all, really, meaning his customisation is pretty lacking.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 05:49:50 PM by Megaguy2 »

Okay, I have updated the tank bot to fix a horrible issue with it where it would turn invisible when painted or if anything tried to color it (???) and also gave it a death sound, as the default bot events do not come with the ability to play sounds from a bot, which is unbelievable...  It also includes a nice brick icon made by MasterLegoDude!

Please redownload if you downloaded before 19/10/15. Or like, the modification date on the topic.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 08:54:45 PM by Megaguy2 »

yesssss! finally the zombie tank is ported

Now we just need the rest of the gang.

Awesome man! Good to know that SOMEONE knows how under appreciated bots are in Blockland.