Author Topic: I've just been diagnosed with Glaucoma (STILL No Surgery!)  (Read 28756 times)

I leave for Miami at 4:00 AM today, December 22nd. It's a 3-4 hour drive depending on traffic, and we have to go IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.

Seriously, the worst part about this whole trip is the drive to and from Miami, and staying at my Aunt's house, when she has 2 chihuahuas that constantly bark at me even though they've seen me like 3 teams now. At least she has a pool that I can dip into. I kind of wish that I would be able to stay inside some hospital suite for the duration of my time down in Miami, they'd have much better food.

The only thing I'm really worried rn is how I'd look with an eye patch. I have no good outfits to go with an eye patch.

eye patch? are you getting your eye removed?

eye patch? are you getting your eye removed?
No, but it is getting operated on, and will need time to heal.

No, but it is getting operated on, and will need time to heal.
Will you be able to see out of it again?

I have no good outfits to go with an eye patch.
get forehead spikes

Dress up like the demoman

Will you be able to see out of it again?
That's the whole point of the surgery, it's to increase drainage of the aqueous humor in the eye, reducing pressure build up, and stopping any further damage to my optic nerve. After the cuts heal, I'll be able to see again.


Dress up like the demoman
Well see, I am not black, and I have very little facial hair, and a LOT of head hair. I also don't have a grenade launcher because those are illegal.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 12:40:45 AM by Rigel »

I have no good outfits to go with an eye patch.

plunder the seven seas and ravage maidens

wanted to make a joke but i don't feel it's appropriate :U i wish you the best of luck in all of this

wanted to make a joke but i don't feel it's appropriate :U i wish you the best of luck in all of this
please do, I love offensive jokes!

do you like 9/11 jokes

do you like 9/11 jokes
They're the bomb! Too bad most of them just fly over most people's heads, but hey! It's a tower of success for those that do get the jokes! But I can never forget the ones that just cry from them as if they've gotten dust in their eyes.

In other words, yes.

yknow I heard dragonoid is looking for some good 9/11 jokes, if he drops by we should share some with him :iceCream:


After a 4-hour drive down there and missing an idiot for a driver by half an inch, the doctor apparently called in sick and pushed my surgery to next week. forget.