Author Topic: A new "good" slave rp is back  (Read 4000 times)

So my friend told me there was a good slave rp.After he told me i joined the server everything was quit and friendly when i spawned i was going outside,nobody was at the spawn so i started to steal the Humvee to kill the guards.2 mins later i saw a guard Named Blight (Superadmin) I killed him 2 times After that he cleared the vehicles and banned me for 1 Min Reason:Quit the Jokes i rejoined,it was night then so they locked us in the spawnroom then derp (Host) started killing everyone then blight came into the spawn from us.then we decided to kill him.After we killed him multiple times he Banned me of course again Reason:Not today.Sorry i don't have any proof
(also this is my first Drama and my grammar sucks im from germany :/)

derp_laherp is also Danna

We need evidence, your word alone isn't though.

We need evidence, your word alone isn't *though.
NoEdit 1: Also you can't edit in drama.
NoEdit 2: *enough.

We need evidence, your word alone isn't though.
this, but I have seen that Danna's Slave RP can go downhill

I did join this out of curiosity and that 'Blight' guy is a bit of a looney, and a terrible admin. Doesn't try to communicate with people at all using chat, just bans them immediately. There wasn't much RPing going on at all, just a couple of 10 year olds having a powertrip.

What do you people expect joining a slave rp.

no, seriously, what do you expect from joining a server whose stated purpose is to have visitors act completely subservient to the players in charge

Here is a screenshot of this, “New” slave RP.
Also, it is quite obvious it is -Danna-. For 1, the server uses the Rape mod. 2, has the same admins. 3. Like in the screenshot, all the buildings look the same.

we don't need proof we need you to stop joining obviously terrible servers

 I happen to be an Admin on this server (quite an active one I do say so myself, and say what you will but I can assure you I am not a badmin) and yes, Blight jumps the gun quite a bit. I'll talk to him about it.

I'm doing my best atm, to clean up the server and get a few things straightened out.

Another thing, I know the name "Slave RP" sounds bad, but the server itself is really not. Think more of it as a sort of Half Life Occupation RP, like the Combine and all that. I'm also trying to be on it more, so I can improve the administration and the build itself (IE: No copy and pasted buildings, or unreasonable bans.)

yeah i joined the server once and quickly got permabanned
half the blame was on me for loving around the other half was on the horrible experience of the rp that made me want to forget around
it was me actually nevermind

yeah i joined the server once and quickly got permabanned
half the blame was on me for loving around the other half was on the horrible experience of the rp that made me want to forget around
it was me actually nevermind