I have some Xbox One codes I'm not gonna use

Author Topic: I have some Xbox One codes I'm not gonna use  (Read 475 times)

114 day Xbox live trials and gears of war ultimate edition with add on content. I had to replace my xbox so I already have the gears of wear stuff and i dont need the xbox trial. Don't ask for the trials if you don't need them. And idk how much the gears ultimate edition costs but if someone would be willing to get me the 2nd dlc for destiny in exchange for it i'd much appreciate it, but if not i'll just give it to the first to ask in the best way. Let the games begin
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 05:43:35 PM by superslayer »

I'll take a trial, I haven't played on my xbox in a while and I can't play my free games that I got from gold membership atm. I also have some friends that I can't play with due to me not having gold.

House of Wolves, the 2nd Destiny expansion, is £19.99 ($30~) on digital download.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - Day One Version, is £29.99 ($46~) on digital download.

House of Wolves, the 2nd Destiny expansion, is £19.99 ($30~) on digital download.
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - Day One Version, is £29.99 ($46~) on digital download.
so it would be a good trade for someone to do.

Bump: I would really appreciate it if someone would buy me the house of wolves dlc in exchange for my gears of war ultimate edition