Author Topic: Planr's World Trade Center Model  (Read 7578 times)

oh i dont know
maybe because it was the first major terrorist event to happen in the 21st century, and because thousands of americans died, and nothing like it has happened since?

I just have one question:

Why is 9/11 still relevant today?
oh i dont know
maybe because it was the first major terrorist event to happen in the 21st century, and because thousands of americans died, and nothing like it has happened since?
additionally, it brought down two major landmarks in the NYC skyline and drummed up a large amount of support for another long, overseas war in the Middle East

for another long, overseas war in the Middle East
Which they say is "over"

it could've been over a forgetin decade ago if politicians would've let the military do their job. its the same reason why the vietnam war failed so badly.

anyways this build has now taken up permanent residence on my server as a small attraction lol
« Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 01:01:38 AM by Planr »

Yes, 9/11 was tragic, but there is no harm in joking about it (unless you're an emotionally delicate twat). It's been over 14 years anyway. Time for babies to grow up and stop crying.

I built this just for fun anyways. I want to do a full-scale WTC build in the future too, with a gamemode to go along with it. If that "offends" some people too much then that's fine with me, because they're probably the type of kids I don't want on my server anyway.
Says the kid who started a three month long stufffest over some penguin research

Says the kid who started a three month long stufffest over some penguin research
Salt and straw can't melt steel beams, hun.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 10:10:50 PM by Planr »

has that beta city feel to it

Are you loving kidding me? Perhaps you have never had any near ____ experiences. I lost my uncle James this stuff, and I was 2 blocks down from it, when it happened. I may not remember it, but I know that I almost died because of it. Maybe you should stop being an oblivious twat that only cares about making a stuffty joke.
if it makes you feel any better i almost got crushed by a big wooden object when i was younger
only way i lived was because i was small and lucky enough to fit in the tower compartment when it came down


OT: nice build m8

Says the kid who started a three month long stufffest over some penguin research
ad hominem